Saturday, April 4, 2009

From Calculations Follows That For Days The Person

From calculations Follows that for days the person inhales not less than 100 a dust consisting from Bacteria, the rests of insects, dry excrements of the person, animals etc. If the nature has not given to the person of the protective mechanism ( a road clearance) At such receipt of a dust in an organism, a life it would be impossible, and The weight of a body would increase daily on 100 - 150 gramme. A structure and systems of protection of the bronho-pulmonary device in to system It has developed and improved as multilevel system of protection from Many factors of an environment: mechanical clearing (nasal courses, Sine, Valdeerovo a ring , mucous tracheas and bronchial tubes). Waldeyer'a () a ring (illustration sm) - system Lymphatic glands and formations on an entrance aperture drinks (= a pharynx), Which protects and protects from penetration of external infections. Special attention, at survey of patients, especially with a pathology of bronchial tubes, I consider necessary to turn on degree of narrowing of a pharynx (illustration sm) and Nose bosoms.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Now The New Are Developed Classifications, Approaches And

Now the new are developed Classifications, approaches and recommendations according to the conditions named As a syndrome of respiratory insufficiency. Classifications , , stress, and Are developed taking into account ecological factors in development of various kinds External and internal forms and . For the first time in Classification positive sides of physiological action are brought also Moderate forms and . It is shown that can To meet in various physiological conditions of an organism such as The pre-natal period of development of an embryo, at a heavy physical activity, Excessive loadings at sportsmen, at an inadequate blood-groove in To cardiac muscle, at persons of advanced age, etc. The same it is possible to tell rather and in conditions reduced pressure of oxygen in External air: the big height in mountains and by the plane; the insufficient Ventilation of lungs; the serious form of an anaemia; the voluntary Hyperventilation; a number of neurologic diseases (for example, insufficiency, an infection, a trauma, a tumour, etc.

* - Grey Points On A Gum Surface

* - grey points on a gum surface assume a poisoning (sign Burton'). * Pale violet decolouration on a line Gums about a teeth are offered by a poisoning with copper (sign Corrigan'). A dental health estimation After research of gums carefully examine Teeth. Erosion on on a surface assumes caries or deterioration and a tooth. If a gum in this place and nearby red and , Consider probability an abscess. At patients with Fever of not clear origin it is necessary to check up each tooth, To be convinced of absence an abscess. Insufficient hygiene of an oral cavity increases Chances of development of serious medical problems (conditions) of type a pneumonia. The increased intervals between a teeth demand Attention on revealing of possible symptoms . Rather Are informative colouring and stains On a teeth and their colour can help to reveal the whole A number of syndromes. Greenish colour a teeth says that the patient had the obvious Jaundice at children's age. A dead teeth () looks More dark, grey in comparison with other teeth.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

At Auscultation By A Stethoscope Can To Appear

At auscultation by a stethoscope can To appear easing of sounds of breath over this area, in the same place can To change a timbre a sound. (Pleurisy) Pneumonia (Pneumonia) Bacterial and virus infection of a lung Is called as a pneumonia, at which site inflammation The liquid exit in a pleural cavity in limits can cause pleurae Shares. Thus the pneumonia is represented typical signs of an infection: a fever; ; cough; a short wind and unilateral pains at breath height. (or ) a thorax SUPPLEMENT the diagnosis, Though the typical image of a pneumonia sometimes lags behind the clinical Results for one or two days! In addition can be used Blood tests to estimate weight of disease and its forecast. a pulmonary artery The clot of blood which is moving ahead to a lung for The fatal result can have the patient. Therefore one of the most serious Diagnoses which should be considered always by the doctor at pains in Breasts - a pulmonary artery (). Classical idea is had about displays pulmonary , pleural pains thus + fainting (syncope), character of a short wind (+ anxiety), cough with (coughing up blood =hemoptysis) bloody sputum.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 Periods Of Development, A Maturity And Ageing -

3 Periods of development, a maturity and ageing - * physical working capacity (1993) - on submaximum Physical working capacity; to frequency of warm reductions, and to arterial pressure at height Loadings. 2. On a set of markers * anatomic markers - Method of development of sexual signs, method of a skeletal maturity, method Tooth maturity. 2.2 Physiological markers - a method Dirkena, Method of Fund of scientific researches of radiation, method of Suominena, method , a method of Nakamury II, a method the Cudgel-mintsa, the Institute method Gerontology, a method of physical working capacity, a method of the intellectual Working capacity, a method of physical and intellectual working capacity, Method of bioelectric activity of a brain. 2.3. Anatomic and physiological markers - a method of Damona; 2.4. Physiological and biochemical markers - Morgan's method, method of Borkana, method of Vebstera I, method Vebstera II, Method of Furukavy, method of Nakamury I; 2.5. Physiological and markers - a method of the Vojtenko-turner; According to different methods it is established Uniform law - women have slower rate of the age Changes during the periods of maturing, a maturity and ageing in comparison with Men.

Monday, March 30, 2009

* The Smoothness Of An Inclination Of A

* The smoothness of an inclination of a curve in any is marked Volume of an exhalation of a lung that reflects reduction of a stream exhaled Air. * Duration of the forced exhalation always ; changes are visible at comparison with norm and are reduced in FEV1, FEV3, the relation FEV1-to-FVC, FEV3-to-FVC, and FEF (25-75 %). * There is an insignificant decrease in streams of an air line: FVC-> = 81 % due, but FEF (25-75 %) <65 %. FEV1 Interpretation > 80 % from the due Norm 66-80 % from the due Small obstruction 50-65 % from the due Obstruction of average degree <50 % from the due Strong obstruction Relation FEV1 to FVC > = 70 % from the due Norm 61 - 69 % from due Small obstruction 45 - 60 % from due Obstruction of average degree <45 % from the due Strong obstruction FEF (25-75 %) > = 66 % from the due Norm 50 - 65 % from due Small obstruction 35 - 49 % from due Obstruction of average degree <35 % from the due Strong obstruction Restriktivnye processes in lungs are characterised by following changes: * Configurations volume-time should be considered in dynamics.