Saturday, November 15, 2008

Usually There Is A Fever, High Blood With

Usually There is a fever, high blood with the left shift. Others Signs or syndrome signs include a pain in joints, And, sometimes, . Skin damages develop within hours or Days also can be shown as bubbles. Stains, usually plural, and Necks, a trunk and extremities can settle down on a head skin. Usually it is required skin damages to confirm the diagnosis Sweet'a A syndrome. Crops of dabs on microflora Besides, are required and Special colourings for revealing of microorganisms to exclude The infectious reason of a syndrome. Though the syndrome can develop at Patients with infectious diseases, spotty damages of a skin, Should be sterile. Principal cause Sweet of a syndrome - the malignant Diseases. Damages of a skin at such patients can sometimes be Similar on (gangrenosum). Communications with the malignant Processes include illnesses and firm tumours, More probable at men and women on the average and advanced age. - physical The phenomenon, at which saturation by oxygen of haemoglobin of the blood flowing From lungs, does not exceed 5/dl Clinically it is shown Change of colouring of a skin and mucous membranes which get Sinevato-pink (cyanotic) shade.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In 1819 To Year Laennec Has Published The

In 1819 To year Laennec has published the big treatise "De l'auscultation mdiate", Where has in detail described normal sounds of lungs, and then identified Considerable quantity of pathological sounds of a thorax at breath - , , metal type of sounding, sounds of the burst Pot, various rattles, etc. a part of work Essential on volume It is devoted diagnostics of the tuberculosis which examples in those days was It is a lot of. Laennec also investigated features of sounds of heart at Healthy and sick. It has described for the first time , and characteristics of noise and heart sounds. It has shown to the first that Various defects of valves of heart can be diagnosed an ear still During lifetime of the patient. The new method of diagnostics was also with success It is applied in the diagnosis of crises, stones bilious and a bladder and Liver abscesses. The invention of Laenneka has quickly extended in The world. In the nineteenth century began to improve stethoscopes and technics Auscultations of noise of a body of the person.