Saturday, July 28, 2007

Tests On AAT Deficiency Should Be Considered Necessarily

Tests on AAT deficiency should be considered Necessarily at persons with signs COPD is younger 45. Table 1 Key parametres of classification COPD on the basis of criteria GOLD 2007* Stage DEGREE SYMPTOMS and SPIROGRAFICHESKY CRITERIA I The minimum The patient does not realise insufficiency of function of lungs. Chronic cough and superfluous production Saliva are present not always. Episodes or unstable type of a short wind. Moderate restrictions of a stream of air in bronchial tubes. : FEV1/FVC <0.70; FEV1 ™ 80 % from settlement, after application . II The moderated Chronic cough and saliva overproduction are present not always. A short wind at physical activity. Signs of chronic respiratory insufficiency () or strengthening , compelling the patient to search for medical aid. : FEV1/FVC <0.70 and 50 % © FEV1 <80 % from settlement, after application . III The expressed Obvious, with deterioration, restrictions of streams of air at breath. The expressed short wind at any physical activity.

* Always Should Consult With Experts In Palliative

* always should consult with Experts in palliative medicine, when necessary, that To help with the decision of palliative situations out of level of competence of the doctor. Concrete practical recommendations and conditions The palliative help for adults and children with serious illnesses The respiratory treatise and critical conditions include the following: * and short wind treatment (dyspnea) Demands consideration of features of the basic illness, and as syndromes Or conditions of type of an anaemia, a pleurisy, warm insufficiency, Time obstruction of an air line of bronchial tubes, , compressions Or a barrier in one of the main bronchial tubes. Important as to consider Condition social factors, - mental infringements, kind changes Activity of the patient, behavioural factors and the general respiratory Strategy of anxieties, including therapy by energizers or a combination Preparations for depression treatment. * and the expressed short wind should be treated in Combination to other receptions of restoration of functions of lungs, including Training to special exercises, psycho-social support, Rational dietary therapy and the self-help organisation rather Breath strategy.

Friday, July 27, 2007

). The SHORT VARIANT Of SURVEY: The General Scheme

). The SHORT VARIANT of SURVEY: the General scheme of inspection of patients is possible and in position sitting following systems should be considered: Skin. The open both closed sites and skin areas (the size and the form of any damages is estimated). lines (C.R.Langer, 1819-1887), - conditional lines on a surface of a skin, Specifying a direction of the maximum extensibility; correspond To arrangement of bunches of collagenic fibres. Age changes in a skin - Age changes in a skin consist of group of the general signs. Wrinkles - As a sign of a growing old skin; skin, colour change, occurrence Additional stains, a grey hair, etc. Though the skin has many layers, but more often Allocate three main layers. The external layer (=) contains cages Skin and a pigment on an albuminous basis. The centre (=) contains Blood vessels, nerves, bulbs of hair, and sebaceous glands. provides deliveries of nutrients to . A fabric layer Under (= the layer) contains as glands separate Hair bulbs, blood vessels and fat.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Section 3. Syndromes And Symptoms At Diseases Of

Section 3. Syndromes and symptoms at diseases of bronho-pulmonary system. 3.1 Structure and system of protection of the bronho-pulmonary device. 3.1.0 Origin and structure . 3.1.1 Examples of questionnaires on revealing of diseases of respiratory organs. 3.1.2 Syndrome of a pain at breath. 3.1.3 Coughs and individual questions to the patients, complaining of cough. 3.1.4 Short wind and the reasons of infringements of frequency and depth of breath. 3.1.5 Syndrome and its versions. 3.1.6 Auscultations of a thorax, respiratory noise. 3.1.7 Symptoms and syndromes at diseases of bronho-pulmonary system. 3.2 Examples of some diseases of bronho-pulmonary system. 3.2.0 Pneumonia and basic signs of a pneumonia. 3.2.1 Basic signs of a pleurisy. 3.2.2 Chronic bronchitis. 3.2.4 Obstructive . 3.3 Additional methods of research of bronho-pulmonary system. Section 4. Syndromes and symptoms at illnesses of cardiovascular system. 4.0. The importance of the general syndromes at illnesses warmly - vascular system.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Circumstantial Evidences Of That, That One Million Years

Circumstantial evidences of that, That one million years ago at the Western Europe there were people, already Were available, however absolutely exact certificate is revealed only now. "At last we have received anatomic proofs of presence on Territories of the Western Europe , capable to produce tools" - Cannot hide José Maria Bermjude's excitement Castro, one of Scientists participating in excavation. Castro has declared that a tooth Belonged to the individual which age equal to 20-25 years. Intermediate The analysis gives the grounds to assume that, most likely, it was any The ancestor Homo antecessor, living in Europe almost 800 thousand years Back and showing a surprising mix of signs modern and Ancient people. "There are no doubts that the found tooth belonged most The ancient European found till now ", - was declared by the scientist. Archeologists, the truth, makes a reservation that it is a question of the Western Europe. "Oldest" on all continent deservedly It is considered , whose remains have been found in territory of Georgia, Jari Excavation near to the medieval city of Dmanisi in eight-ten Kilometres from Tbilisi.