Friday, October 26, 2007

Therefore Revealing And An Estimation And With Metastasises

Therefore revealing and an estimation and with Metastasises it is very important for patients with cancer formations. Cervical also are involved in development at . As Treatment for and metastasises of malignant tumours Are various, the exact differential diagnosis between two conditions very much It is important. also it is extended in the World as well as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrom (AIDS). Therefore, the exact diagnosis also can render in this case Essential advantage ultrasonic scanning (ultrasonic). Images in an estimation cervical Because of its high sensitivity (98 %) and specificity (95 %) in Combination with fine cytology (FNAC) become all More popular. With use Doppler it is possible to receive the additional information on the cervical also . (PHOTO 5.1) (2-9). The following group at - , , axillary, elbow, and The popliteal. it is necessary to spend symmetrically and cautiously. Special Attention and step at survey, and I recommend to give To research of chest glands at men and women.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not Seldom And The History Of A Life

Not seldom and the history of a life of the patient is connected with presence of one Or two smokers in a family. These constant wreckers of health Associates provide constant negative influence on members Families. The hereditary factors promoting displays - Pulmonary pathology recently are intensively studied. It is for example shown that an obstructive syndrome It is connected with provoking factors and components, where the cascade of the negative For an organism of events finally conducts to damage of fabrics. Various kinds of an inflammation of a respiratory path at patients with COPD Is the major provoking factor against genetic Damages. Influence of several thus affects Provoking factors and markers, including C-jet fiber, an alpha The factor tumours, interlejkiny - (IL)-8, IL-6 and hemoattraktivnyj-1 Fiber. Levels of many of these markers in whey Blood correlate with indicators of expressiveness COPD at patients, including Respiratory tests (FEV1), level , carried to a weight index Bodies, tolerance to physical activity, etc.

Monday, October 22, 2007

(Is More Detailed Than Illustration Sm) For Modern

(Is more detailed than illustration sm) For modern understanding of a syndrome of the respiratory Insufficiency should remember interaction mechanisms Dissolved in blood and cages of fabrics of oxygen and with Other electrolits. The maintenance of electrolits and in blood whey at Various syndromes and conditions it is subject to considerable fluctuations. Decreasing pressure of oxygen (Rs 2) in small dependence from The reasons conducts to fast changes in buffer in cages Organism. For example maintenance reduction on 1 mEq leads To change of balance of bicarbonates and power failure (and maintenances) Oxygen in blood from 1 to 1,3 mm Hg. Reduction in blood whey Bicarbonates causes changes balance and in Intercellular space. Through any time, nephritic mechanisms Level kislotno-alkaline balance, allocating or holding Bicarbonates. At chronic (2) plasma bicarbonates Decreases approximately from 0.4 to 0.5 mEq on L for everyone 1 mm Hg a column, That conducts to reduction in arterial blood PO2.