Friday, May 9, 2008

) Irrespective Of Tobacco Smoking Stories. According To Reviews

) irrespective of Tobacco smoking stories. According to reviews NHANES in this group Americans get 50-60 million inhabitants of the USA. In connection with this data it is offered, that Each primary practising doctor (the therapist and the general practitioner Were able and had possibility to spend "the facilitated" variant (And ). Such tests are called office research. It The test named "office " differs from the full Standard PFT (= ) both in equipment and in the procedure. At carrying out office Time of an exhalation of the patient automatically comes to an end for 6 seconds earlier, Than record of a plateau of an exhalation proceeds. The forced volume of an exhalation with The termination on the sixth second (FEV6) it is equivalent FVC to the standard Records. Similarly, index FEV1/FEV6 of % corresponds FEV1/FVC % Standard record. Due sizes as others also are provided In addition a set of standards NHANES III for FEV6 and FEV1/FEV6 % ( Hankinson and al). The long analysis of sensitivity office has shown that sensitivity of a method For detection of signs of obstruction with use FEV1/FEV6 of % makes 95 %.

Thus There Is Practically The Major For The

Thus there is practically the major for The patient and the doctor a question - when hospitalisation is necessary to the patient with Serious degree COPD? The majority of the patients having the frequent Aggravations so also inevitable risk of death, often demand Effective hospitalisation and treatment. Criteria which would demand Immediate hospitalisation, include intensity above the specified Signs serious COPD, inefficient competent treatment in-home, Essential accompanying diseases, solid age and inadequate Home care. Signs for hospitalisation of patients with COPD can be: * has a serious short wind in rest (+> 30 in mines) which does not answer treatment; * in orientation and consciousness; * or worsening (less 89 %) and (more than 45 %), despite additional inhalations Oxygen through a nose; * instability. At aggravations COPD which demand Hospitalisation in a hospital, therapy by oxygen is the most important The factor also should be begun immediately. More preferably Use -2-adrenergicheskih short action For aggravations of an obstructive syndrome.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Not Menacing Conditions: 1) Pains; 2) Diseases Of

Not menacing conditions: 1) pains; 2) Diseases of cervical department of a backbone; 3) thorax damages: - Bruises; - crises; - inflammations; 4) infectious diseases: - Surrounding deprive; - epidemic ; 5) diseases Gastroenteric trakta: - ;-aerofagija; - a stomach ulcer; - Cholecystitis; etc. The list of the conditions accompanied by sudden occurrence of the CHEST PAIN: (sudden chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Anxiety attack; Panic attack; Esophagitis; Pneumothorax; Peptic ulcer; Chest symptoms; Pulmonary embolism; Dissecting aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Pancreatitis The conditions accompanied by repeating chest pains: (recurring chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Hiatus hernia; Lung disease; Chest infection; Lung cancer; Gallbladder disease; Arrhythmias; Anemia; Pernicious anaemia; Aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Aortic valve disorder; Da Costa's syndrome; Chondritis; Bornholm's disease; MORE IN DETAIL in Russian in the book "Additions to bases of diagnostics of syndromes of internal illnesses" the SAMIZDAT, 2008 I will result some examples on features of diagnostics of a syndrome of a chest pain The pleurisy - the Lung slides on the chest To wall at deep breath and both surfaces ( and ) have the thin layers named a pleura.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The HELL To <90 Mm Hg Proves A

The HELL to <90 mm Hg proves a hypotension irrespective of signs. Lifting in vertical position; application The medicines conducting to a hypotension or change of their dosage; the long Horizontal position especially in hot places; presence of the independent (a diabetes, etc.) or a syndrome of Parkinsona. the warm nature Presence of a serious heart trouble; objective criteria ; pains in a thorax; presence in a family tree of relatives with Sudden death. Ischemic heart trouble Anamnestichesky, clinical signs and the given electrocardiograms - Sharp ischemia of a myocardium, including with or without a myocardium heart attack. Detailed research in a specialised hospital. Sinusovaja bradycardia <40 / mines or repeated sino-atrialnye blockade or pauses from a warm sine> 3 at Absence it is negative treatments; Mobitz 2 or 3 /V The block; alternation of blockade of the left and right legs Gisa; a paroxysm. a tachycardia or . A tachycardia; work failure with long warm pauses. Electrocardiogram in dynamics, Holterovsky monitoring, check , ultrasonic of heart and carotids, etc.

Albuterol Can To Be Especially Favourable When It

Albuterol can To be especially favourable when it is used prior to the beginning of exercise. Patients Should be instructed to use an inhaler 30-60 minutes prior to The beginnings of physical activities Use of oxygen in application of exercises Patients with COPD can suffer from the inadequate Gas exchange, cor pulmonale and other factors limiting Delivery to oxygen fabrics. Training to adequate exercises can To improve transport of oxygen and factor of its use. Long application of oxygen is useful for a survival of patients through Alignment increased , pressure decline in the pulmonary Artery and pulmonary vascular resistance. Oxygen use Reverses secondary and considerably improves the warm Functions, including tolerance to physical activities and stress To syndrome (ADLS). The decision on application of additional treatment Oxygen it is necessary to co-ordinate to specifications of oxygenation of blood. If Saturation by oxygen of blood below 90 %, and standard nasal Provide increase only on 3 % - 4 % from fraction (share) of breath 2 .

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Are Used To Estimate Convertibility Degree Pathologies And

are used to estimate convertibility degree Pathologies and to exclude components of a bronchial asthma. A parity from These two measurements (FEV1/FVC) expect to estimate the complex Function of lungs of the patient. At persons with COPD, FEV1 and FVC are always connected FEV1/FVC A parity and always lower than settlement for age, Floor, weights of a body, race of the patient and barometric pressure. Stages COPD Weight COPD is defined according to degree Deviations in the data (PFT), level of values of signs, Presence of accompanying diseases and conditions which can conduct To complications. According to criteria GOLD 2006 allocate four Stages COPD from 1st stage (moderate stage COPD) to IV th (very much Serious deviations from norm). Till 2006 year and the previous versions Classifications COPD the stage was used at number 0 to allocate Patients who had syndromes of chronic cough and superfluous Saliva production, but normal values PFT (). As Further certificates, what not all patients with a stage 0 are revealed COPD necessarily progress to a stage 1, the stage 0 has been removed from Last classifications COPD.

Allocation Assume A Local Trauma Or Infringements Of

allocation Assume a local trauma or infringements of coagulability of blood. Allocation from a nose Light, suddenly appearing allocation from a nose Usually assume allergic rhinitises or a virus infection. Purulent Allocation assume a bacterial infection in a nose is more often. If the patient has allocation from a nose and from eyes, In the presence of a head injury, it is necessary to suspect basis crisis Skulls. In such cases it is necessary to check up concentration of glucose nasal Liquids for revealing of leak of a spinal liquid (usually The glucose maintenance thus more than 30 mg/dL). At suspicion that Spinal liquid all the same filter, it is useful to make Additional researches, for example to place a drop allocated of Nose liquids on a paper towel or filtering Paper. Occurrence of a clear damp ring round a red point Offers presence of signs of crisis of the basis of a skull. If the nasal Allocation and , it is necessary to investigate and a condition Coagulability of blood. Bleedings from a nose (Epistaxis).