Friday, March 21, 2008

This Method, In Particular, Has Been Used For

This method, in particular, has been used for Definitions of age and identification of victims of a destructive tsunami, Event in Indian ocean on December, 26th, 2004. Concept Biological age has resulted from non-uniformity comprehension Developments, a maturity and ageing. These three stages are characterised Following basic qualitative and quantitative age Changes: - distinction of changes of bodies and systems in time, - distinction of intensity Changes for different structures of same body, - distinction in a direction of changes, - distinction of speed of changes. Non-uniformity of age changes - one of The major laws . This phenomenon serves The divergence reason between chronological and biological age Organism. Chronological age - the age expressed in a calendar scale and, often, defined on nameplate data. The biological age - concept is more , defined as conformity of the individual level to some average norm of the given population of the people, reflecting Non-uniformity of development, maturity and ageing of the various physiological Systems, including rates of age changes adaptable Organism possibilities.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

* Depression Of The Respiratory Centre - Drugs

* Depression of the respiratory centre - drugs (medicines benzodiazepines, barbiturates). Other problems which should be considered at revealing of a syndrome of hypoventilation The differential diagnosis of a syndrome of hypoventilation It is wide enough and includes the potential diagnoses entered in the list The reasons. The full case record of the patient, inspection, and laboratory diagnostics should be spent in The maximum volume at carrying out of the differential diagnosis. [Causes] Laboratory data Blood whey - presence of compensatory increase in carbonates at whey (HCO3) testifies about secondary to respiratory (Respiratory Acidosis). Patients can sometimes have and . At many patients with chronic hypoventilation comes to light signs and blood oxygen. Norm of saturation by oxygen of blood of 90 % and more (pressure of oxygen in Arterial blood = PaO2 60 - 65 mm Hg). When shows saturation by oxygen of blood of 89 85 %, it Testifies to moderate decrease , indicators 84 - 81 % Mean serious degree of decrease blood oxygen, and less 80 % - decrease in the maintenance of oxygen menacing to a life in blood.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

They Develop Within Several Days, More Often In

They develop within several days, more often in connection with illnesses The top respiratory ways. Usually there is a fever, high Blood with the left shift. Other signs or syndrome signs include Pain in joints, and, sometimes, . Skin damages Develop within hours or days and can be shown as bubbles. Stains, usually plural, also can settle down on a head skin, necks, Trunk and extremities. Usually it is required damages of a skin, To confirm diagnosis Sweet'a of a syndrome. Crops Besides, are required Dabs on microflora and special colourings for revealing Microorganisms to exclude the infectious reason of a syndrome. Though The syndrome can develop at patients with infectious diseases, Spotty damages of a skin, should be sterile. Principal cause Sweet of a syndrome - the malignant Diseases. Damages of a skin at such patients can sometimes be Similar on (gangrenosum). Communications with the malignant Processes include illnesses and firm tumours, More probable at men and women on the average and advanced age.