Saturday, November 3, 2007

In This Connection, Use Of Criteria GOLD Is

In this connection, Use of criteria GOLD is necessary for considering only in Complex with the clinical data. Estimation of convertibility of an obstructive syndrome When on it is confirmed or revealed Obstructive syndrome, it is necessary to spend and estimate the answer of the patient on Inhalation . ATS recommends for threshold increase The answer at least on 12 % (or 0.2 L) 10-15 minutes prior to record FVC or FEV1 to execute inhalations of a therapeutic dose . New standards GOLD recommend obligatory use 4 Inhalations (100 mcg everyone, i.e. =400 mcg a full dose) albuterol'a, Submitted through a spray. When there are signs and restrictions for Uses of preparations of this kind, apply lower doses or Use other receptions. The answer to inhalations Means (ipratropium bromide) can be estimated in 30 minutes after 4th inhalations (40 mcg everyone, i.e. = 160 mcg a full dose). Negative The answer to inhalations does not eliminate clinical advantages of application , and an affirmative reply on it is frequent Can correlate with the answer to therapy by steroids.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Further Estimate A Condition Of Humidity Mucous. If

Further estimate a condition of humidity mucous. If adheres on the mucous (sticks), it The dryness certificate in connection with a lack of production of a saliva (=xerostomia). Absence of a saliva under language, behind cheeks or between gums And a cheek is one of key signs of dehydration of an organism. After check of degree of humidity mucous a mouth, check up carefully Possible signs on damages. The approximate list of possible damages on mouth mucous membranes The description of damages The possible reasons and comments Painless ulcer Ploskokletochnyj cancer Plural painful small round Aftoznyj stomatitis (consider: Processes, stress, system , deficiency of vitamin B12, Inflammatory diseases of a thick gut or syndrome of Behcheta) Ulcers with rough borders System red , , virus illness Unilateral painful vials Herpes zoster Absent-minded painful vials and spots Herpes simplex Painful ulcers on throat walls Virus Coxsackie (= herpangina) , , , flat deprive? Red ? ? White stains Measles, viruses Coxsackie A-16, ECHO 9? White stains with (=leukoplakia) Usually caused by chronic irritation - it is typical For a tobacco smoking, often causes suspicion on Pigmentation, adjacent with a foreteeth the smoker White touch on a red basis ? Irregular line on on mucous cheeks The lines of Elba caused by an insignificant trauma of an oral cavity Lacy white stains on an internal surface of cheeks (Sign Wickham') Flat deprive? Dark stain, adjacent with the sealed up tooth Pigmentation from a tooth amalgam Pigmentation with Malignant ? Small red stains with central - a white point (a sign of Koplika) Measles? Check of salivary channels (tubules of Stensena) on mucous cheeks.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

An Excessive Congestion Of A Liquid In A

An excessive congestion of a liquid in a cavity Pleurae can be caused also , observed at or a cirrhosis that speaks decrease in the vascular pressure. There is one more reason leading To formation pleural at pleural leaves, - It is obstruction of lymphatic ways of outflow. In this case the investigated The liquid can be characterised both as , and as . As on lymphatic vessels the drainage of fiber is carried out from Pleural cavity, its concentration at obstruction of the lymphatic Ways often it appears rather high, in spite of the fact that Permeability of pleural leaves is not broken. (Illustration sm) Rules in clips (look in illustrations) and the basic indicators of diseases under the analysis of a pleural liquid. More in detail sm - - (lung cancer, pneumonia, tuberculosis) (asbestosis) (sarcoidosis). In the following chapter we will consider some important problems of rehabilitation of patients with - a pulmonary pathology. 6. The conclusion and prospects What is a basis for restoration and rehabilitation at diseases of lungs (PR)? Pulmonary rehabilitation and restoration Overall objective of restoration of pulmonary functions Consists in lifting the patient to fullest medical, Emotional, social and professional (technically possible) The status.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Very Important Information On A Condition Of The

Very important information on a condition of the patient Can be received at inspection of an oral cavity and formula record Teeth. At all times was considered that a dental health Most precisely reflects a financial position of the person and a condition Some life-support systems of the person. For example consider that on The condition of the top and bottom cutters can judge quality of work of kidneys And systems, and also about a hearing aid condition The patient. Pathological processes in a liver and to system Are reflected in a condition of canines. Molars reflect quality of functions Stomach, lungs and a spleen. And on a wisdom dental health judge about Heart and intestines functions. Believe that skilled and inquisitive The stomatologist at early stages of illness can already suspect at the patient Intestines polyposes, , and variety of the congenital Diseases and syndromes. For example, a yellow touch on a teeth often Testifies to hyperfunction of adrenal glands (. , etc.). The grayish shade of a teeth often testifies to the functional And organic infringements of a liver and ways, and, sometimes, about Pancreas dysfunctions.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Gipomelanoz Ito (an Achromatic Incontience Pigment) - The

Gipomelanoz Ito (an achromatic incontience Pigment) - the congenital disease characterised The gipopigmentiro-bathrooms stains of the freakish form forming accurately The delimited drawings, strips and plaques on all surface of a body, Which remain during the childhood and disappear at mature age. To hypopigmentation do not precede an inflammation, Defeat, characteristic Bloha- Sultsbergera for a syndrome. (the got pigmentary defect) Arises at any age and it is characterised various under the form and To the size stains with a clear boundary, Localised on a face skin (round eyes and in the field of a mouth), in area Sexual , brushes and feet, elbow and knee joints, top Half of thorax. Skin elements can spontaneously disappear, There can be new stains, or is constant Progresses. 2.8.0 Palpatsija, , and other kinds of inspection of patients. There is a special system of the conditional Designations for a graphic representation of the data received at and easy (Ginara the scheme = (A.Guinard); sin.