Friday, July 4, 2008

(Illustration Sm) Additional Tests At Specification Of The

(Illustration sm) Additional tests at specification of the diagnosis of a bronchitis Except Clinical signs in the diagnosis a bronchitis important documentary To confirm presence of an obstructive syndrome and its convertibility about the help Modern standard . Measurement of volumes of the forced For 1 second (FEV1), showing size it is less than exhalation than 70 % from due size and (FVC) - FEV1/FVC the relation defines degree of an obstructive syndrome of an air line. And revealing FEV1/FVC It is less than relation than 50 % specify that the air line has Distinct hindrances, probably mechanical character (for example, a tumour Or a foreign matter). At the majority of adults to To the life middle, age physiological changes (reduction) Elasticity of lungs occur with a speed about on 30 mL in a year and then, there is decrease FEV1. Obstructive syndrome in the form of change of a stream of air in in bronchial tubes at On presence of superfluous manufacture confirms the clinical The diagnosis of a chronic bronchitis.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

At Patients With More Serious Stages COPD These

At Patients with more serious stages COPD these preparations as can To be used, to liquidate some constant signs COPD. It is long operating preparations are offered as a recommended choice of the first line of influence on symptoms COPD. The adverse complications connected with reception of inhalation forms are predicted enough and corrected at selection Individual dose. Thus it is necessary to notice that for treatment Patients with COPD Now it is more preferable inhalation forms . A choice of the scheme of therapy or the decision about To the combined scheme of treatment should be based on trial doses and The answer of the patient to treatment, this scheme should consider cost / Effect and individual suitability of this treatment. Inhalation Inhalation it is frequent Are used in treatment of symptoms COPD. They reduce a bronchospasm and Increase diameter of an air line reducing a tone of smooth muscles And reducing slime production. block contacts Interactions with M1 and M3 in mucous, Smooth muscles and glands along an air line.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

For Women = 0,1321 Growth (inches) - 0,018

For women = 0,1321 growth (inches) - 0,018 x age (years) - 4,36. Due size of volume of the forced exhalation for 1 (.-1; FEV1) = 0,1052 x growth (inches) - 0,0244 x age (years) - 2,19 for men. For women = 0,0869 growth (inches) - 0,0255 x age (years) - 1,578. Additional signs of infringement of breath: - Than breath is more rare 15 in a minute; - 16 - 24 breathes in a minute; - 25 and more in a minute. To additional signs Breath infringements carry as puffing, faltering breath, noisy and The extended exhalation. Awakening index respiratory - Ap/gip + the snore phenomena in a combination to changes Index of respiratory infringements - Ap/gip . + other infringements of breath. ortopnija - Occurrence of sensation of shortage of air or a short wind at change of position of a body (more often in horizontal). Specifications and standards of an estimation of indicators of function of lungs The table of the basic indicators of function of external breath THE NAME Russian designations International obozna-chenija The specification () or due sizes () Volumes of lungs 1 Respiratory volume.

It Is Known That In A Dream, Ventilation

It is known that in a dream, ventilation of lungs A little decreases because force of interface decreases Respiratory function of the centres. Especially in a fast phase of a dream (REM) Coming the general muscles worsens ventilation and conducts to More serious hypoventilation. These mechanisms of development of hypoventilation Are especially important, when function muscles is broken. Effects Such form are often strengthened also by low sensitivity of the respiratory The centres. Night hardware auxiliary ventilation of lungs improves Displays of night hypoventilation at these patients also improves indicators Day gaugings of arterial gases of blood. Chronic obstructive illnesses of a lung Hypoventilation at patients with COPD is secondary and Has various mechanisms of development. As it is told above, these patients Usually have serious obstruction of respiratory ways with size FEV1 Less than 1 litre/sek or from 35 % of due size. Patients with COPD Which have a hypoventilation syndrome, always poorly react to tests with and .

Monday, June 30, 2008

In All Other Places There Is A Lung

In all other places there is a lung fabric, and a sound breath mixes up with the bronchial. Bronchial sounds Breath on a trachea have higher tonality, time is louder, brighter also Exhalation in this point of auscultation it is equal to a breath, and between a breath and an exhalation There is a pause. The term of a field of Kreniga - sites with clear a sound. Decrease or disappear at "Top" processes in lungs (, , pleural Unions, the first segment, etc.). The term space of Traube - a zone in left between the left share of a liver, a costal arch and spleen edge. At patients with link sided the pleurisy in this zone marks and disappearance . Diseases, conditions and character of occurrence of rattles in lungs 1. "Dry rattles" - a bronchitis, a bronchial asthma, illness, an emphysema of lungs, a pneumosclerosis, etc. 2. "Damp rattles" - a pneumonia, illness, insufficiency of blood circulation, etc. Rattles can be: 1) the dry:) , The bass; 2) the damp:) , stagnant, small - sredne - largely bubbly; 3) the other:) sonorous whistling hooting, Not sonorous, etc.

The Gas Structure Of Blood Is Changed A

The gas structure of blood is changed a little and seldom. At 2nd degree of respiratory insufficiency The short wind is shown at insignificant physical activity (the quiet Walking on an equal surface). At patients strongly pronounced ("warm" ) which amplifies At cooling, physical activity. - livid colour Mucous, nail boxes, skin. Appears at saturation decrease Haemoglobin oxygen on 6-8 % (to size about 90 %) or more than On 5gr\dL. Pressure of oxygen in arterial blood decreases to 60 pressure of carbonic acid in blood to 40 also increases and More. Develops respiratory , however blood remains in Norm limits (compensated respiratory ). Increase and development respiratory Leads to occurrence of cerebral symptoms (a headache, Dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness), mental infringements (Depression, drowsiness), a delay of a liquid owing to strengthening carbonic acid and sodium in kidneys leads to a proof tachycardia In rest. The same it is possible to tell rather and in conditions reduced pressure of oxygen in External air: the big height in mountains and by the plane; the insufficient Ventilation of lungs; the serious form of an anaemia; the voluntary Hyperventilation; a number of neurologic diseases (for example, insufficiency, an infection, a trauma, a tumour, etc.