Saturday, January 3, 2009

- Fast Inexplicable Loss Of Weight Of A

- Fast inexplicable loss of weight of a body. - Any accompanying disease, for example, Diseases of heart, peripheral vessels or neurologic Conditions which are connected with the same risk factors (for example, Smoking). -- Besides, it is necessary to consider signs Depressions and-or anxieties which can specify in requirement in Corresponding treatment of these conditions. - other uncertain signs, snore type in Dream time, a thorax or a frequent morning headache. The tobacco smoking history is very important. The history of the smoker concerns the major risk factors for patients with Bronho-pulmonary pathology also should be in details described in the questionnaire. The detailed history of smoking is necessary with calculation of quantity of packs Cigarettes in a year (month, week, in day). So the general recommendations at biographical (as well as at ) inspection of patients with a bronho-pulmonary pathology Include: 1. Careful studying of the anamnesis. Infringements Breath of a pulmonary origin usually in an onset of the illness develop More gradually also it is reserved, than at heart defeat; but night conditions are equally frequent.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Liquid Quantity Leaves From The Pleural Cavities

A liquid quantity leaves from the pleural Cavities a way through , localised in a diaphragm and departments pleurae. An excessive congestion of a liquid in Pleura cavity (pleural ) can be a consequence of infringements Interactions hydrostatic and pressure () Or to be caused infringements of permeability of vessels and-or pleurae () that is observed at inflammatory or tumoral defeat Pleurae and at some system diseases of a connecting fabric. At an inflammation pleurae segmentary Nerves, it , also are involved in pathological process. Clinically it is shown by occurrence of acute pains in a thorax (=), amplifying at attempts of a deep breath. Localisation can testify to character and Localisations of defeat of a pleura. So, the painful sensations localised (Or ) in the field of a shoulder specify in defeat more likely pleurae (thus intercostal nerves are involved in process At level 3-5); the pains localised in the top part of a stomach, Testify to involving in pathological process more low The located intercostal nerves.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It, Definitely, Raises Comfort By Preparation For Employment

It, definitely, raises Comfort by preparation for employment and lectures. However in some cases It was necessary to me, where it is possible, to add short references and to keep Drawings on separate sites. A disk with the text of last editing, Illustrations, clips and references it is possible to order also (the postage + record cost on CD). Orders for the edition, a disk with drawings, references and clips The author, professor Hramov Jury Afanasevich. (PHOTO 2) Copying of printing materials is protected terrible and without the written approval of the author it is forbidden. Response (on the first edition) <<The electronic version of the textbook Offered the reader on To propaedeutics of internal illnesses (introduction in a speciality) is The fourth added edition of a lecture course in due time Read for students of medical faculty Novosibirsk Medical institute. In this edition the basic sections are considered Diagnostics of internal illnesses, last recommendations of some the expert Councils about construction of diagnostic plans of inspection of patients, To revealing specific and few specific symptoms and Syndromes.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Approximately 20 % Of Patients With COPD And

Approximately 20 % of patients with COPD and normal arterial pressure of oxygen in blood have night, not connected with oxygen insufficiency. Pulmonary blood circulation - Usually blood with low vascular resistance and high In capacity of pool of blood. Value of the high pulmonary arterial Pressure at consists that it increases an impedance (the specific Resistance) for right at the moment of exile. Excessive The increase in an impedance after loading often conducts to a sudden stop Hearts. Pulmonary arterial hypertension (LOG) It is defined as average pressure in a pulmonary artery () more than 25 mm Hg in rest or, at least, 30 mm Hg at the physical To loading. Increases it is almost always connected with increase of the pulmonary Vascular resistance (PVR) and average pulmonary pressure Jammings. Pressure of the right is thus final-diastolicheskoe for acknowledgement of the diagnosis the LOG should be less than 15 mm Hg. Thus, continuous eminence and PVR Causes an overload and a stop right and conducts to Inability of heart to support blood circulation with the subsequent death The patient.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Resolve Members Of A Family And Friends To

Resolve members of a family and friends to participate in discussion of questions. Describe the scheme of diagnostic and medical problems of the patient. Offer the patient some variants of inspection and treatment. Induce the patient to the self-help, including kinds of the therapy, supplementing traditional. Complicate dialogue: 1. A language barrier and speech infringements. 2. Questions on a sexual life of the patient. 3. Malignant diseases. 4. Mental restrictions of dialogue and mental diseases. 5. Barreness. 6. Undesirable pregnancy. 7. Difficult medical questions and . I consider that it is necessary - to Avoid complicated questions - Not to include in questions of concept "norm" and medical and-or special Terms, words as the patient they are often not clear. Detection (=) a symptom, a syndrome Demands its greatest possible qualitative and quantitative Descriptions at the moment of survey, interrogation. The medical terms stated The patient, its knowledge of syndromes and the diagnosis should be specified questions And-or medical documents (it is better primary - an electrocardiogram, ultrasonic, The roentgenograms, given laboratory researches, Inquiries, etc.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Patients With The Minimum Signs Of A Pulmonary

Patients with the minimum Signs of a pulmonary hypertension on an electrocardiogram or on the roentgenogram should It is obligatory to undergo to a two-dimensional echocardiography with Research of streams Doppler, Which is considered the most informative test for detection Pulmonary hypertension and exception congenital heart pathologies. The Ehokardiografichesky Criteria of a pulmonary hypertension are based on identification and measurement a stream (TR), absent at healthy faces. Measurement TR in m / provides an estimation of a return stream between right and the right auricle. Bernoulli results the equation [p=4 (TR2)] which transforms speed of a stream to a pressure gradient. All patients from the suspect Pulmonary hypertension should be exposed to a complex estimation for Findings-out of the nature of a high pressure. To identify or exclude The reasons of a pulmonary hypertensia, meaning the differential diagnosis. If the reason of a pulmonary hypertension remains, Obscure, should be excluded chronic the pulmonary Arteries as this condition can clinically imitate the primary Pulmonary hypertensia.

The REASONS : An Inflammation - Sharp Pneumonia

The REASONS : an inflammation - sharp Pneumonia (crepitatio indux, crepitatio redux). ; plasmas in alveoluses (a lung heart attack, a hypostasis of lungs) Hypoventilation of lungs (, ). Noise of a friction of a pleura: ALWAYS the PATHOLOGY. It is connected with Fibrin adjournment on and pleura leaves. It is listened in both phases of breath, reminds a sound of a leather belt Folded double at bending and . The sound disappears at a delay Breath also amplifies at pressing . Sounds of a friction of a pleura-normal leaves and pleurae slide smoothly and without is noisy the friend about The friend during the breath certificate. If the pleura loses smoothness of a surface Also grows coarse for any reason, the scratching, rubbing sounds connected with By breath are heard from the earliest stages of pathological process. You Can hear even the easiest sound, pressing a stethoscope to the chest To cage and having asked the patient to breathe deeply. Such sounds often Have limited on a zone of auscultation character, but repeatability Sounds steady enough.