Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Scheme Of Increase In Loadings And Intensity

The scheme of increase in loadings and intensity of exercises Depending on tolerance level to To physical activities and level of base preparation of a physical condition, Creation of aerodynamic conditions (aerobic) can is recommended beginning Since 5-20 minutes of walking or a stationary bicycle () during 3-5 days within one week. Patients with high degree Respiratory and legochno - warm insufficiency can stop For 3-5 minutes after each 5 minutes of walking (or works on ). loadings from initial sizes it is spent on ONE minute in Week to each 3 minutes of time of loading the purpose is not reached yet Trainings (it is necessary to reach 30 or more minutes in day on the extreme To measure 3 days in a week). The individual plan of exercises should include Way (type and rate of walking), frequency (in a week), duration (An interval of time in minutes) and intensity (speed or others Ways of an estimation of intensity of type of scale Borg'a or speech test). Patients should be in details instructed about the scheme of loadings to The warm-up beginnings (5-10 minutes of warm-up) in slow rate and up to the end with 5-minute break for a relaxation.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Increase In The Physiological Dead Spaces Without Ventilation

Increase in the physiological dead Spaces without ventilation increase conducts to the alveolar To hypoventilation and increase PaCO2 of blood and fabrics. Primary central alveolar hypoventilation As it is told above, patients from the primary Alveolar hypoventilation can cause hyperventilation any way Lungs and to normalise PaCO2 blood. However these patients are incapable Any way to unite and co-ordinate signals from the central , though peripheral , apparently, Function normally. Congenital central hypoventilating syndrome Patients with the congenital form alveolar Hypoventilation of the central origin usually have no Complaints. They can have only signs of infringement of a dream and day Hyperdrowsiness. This rare syndrome of the congenital central Hypoventilation (CCHS), it is defined as infringement of the automatic control Biomechanics of breath. A basic sign of this syndrome is that At these patients is absent or the answer is minimum shown on and , especially during the dream periods.

Tool Researches Bronho - Pulmonary System * Terms,

Tool researches bronho - pulmonary system * Terms, reductions and designations. * Estimation of a condition of functions of bronho-pulmonary system (PFT) * Specifications and standards of indicators of function of lungs * Syndromes , hyperventilation and respiratory insufficiency * Short about therapeutic radiological syndromes in clips 5. Basic symptoms and syndromes at diseases of lungs * Tracheitis and types of a bronchitis (sharp and chronic) * Chronic obstructive diseases of lungs * Bronchial asthma * Emphysema of lungs and risk of cancer diseases * Estimation of signs of legochno-warm insufficiency * Rules in clips and the cores Indicators of diseases under the analysis of a pleural liquid 6. The conclusion and prospects Why the electronic variant of the book is more preferable? Electronic editions extend in the civilised World more and more. By experience of foreign publishing houses last years It is brightly visible that the share of printing magazines on a subscription all time falls, and The list and sale of electronic editions grows.