Friday, March 23, 2007

) * Fizikalnoe Research Of An Air Line, Lungs

) * Fizikalnoe research of an air line, lungs and a diaphragm "Trouble with doctors - Not in that they know insufficiently, and that They do not see enough. "Dominik John Korrigan (1802-1880 ) Survey of the patient Skin. The integument of the person allows To see displays of set of diseases. Thus opened and closed Sites and skin areas are observed and estimated on set Signs-from of colour scale (inhabitants of the Earth have 32 standard Skin shade) till the sizes of forms of any , damages and Changes. It is interesting that during a life of a cage of a skin of the person are replaced According to a genetic code about 1000 times. At doctors turn special attention on Skin structure, various folds and stains, including vascular drawing, Burn, cicatricial changes and presence . (Illustration sm). Consider that the rough data about BIOLOGICAL age of the patient can give elasticity research Skin. So if for sufficient on the area a skin fold on Wrists and, then to measure time for which this fold of a skin To finish, it is possible to define biological age roughly The patient.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

An Emphysema Of Lungs And Others Obstructive Conditions

An emphysema of lungs and others Obstructive conditions ways considerably break Parity ( and pulse) / . This parity is considered Pathological (= "paradoxical pulse"), when the relation the Hell / = Less than 3-4. At research of patients with signs of respiratory insufficiency specify -- Expressiveness lips and a mucous mouth; -- Reaction on the minimum physical activities; -- The form and a thorax; -- Participation of auxiliary muscles at breath; -- Mobility of pulmonary edge -- Presence of dry mixed rattles -- Accent of the second tone over L2 At radiological research on presence Emphysemas are specified by increase of a transparency of pulmonary fields, low Standing and restriction of mobility of domes of a diaphragm, expansion , drawing strengthening in at root areas. Heart occupies Trailing vertical position, right it is often increased. Research of function of external breath sometimes Reveals change of vital capacity of lungs against due, increase Residual volume of lungs and aerodynamic resistance air Stream.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

If The Patient Finishes The Account Till 20

If the patient finishes The account till 20 seconds is a norm till 40 years. In 41 - 60 years subtraction The seven should be finished by 25 second, and in 70 - 80 years Duration of subtraction from 100 can make more than 30 seconds. More in detail sm - (Mental Status Exam) The prof. of TEMPLES And "BASES of DIAGNOSTICS of syndromes of internal illnesses" the SAMIZDAT, Los Anzheles, 2008, 12 , sheets, (PHOTO 1); ISBN 979 5-00-000305-5 For a basis of the present edition (samizdat) by me are taken Materials of lectures, own supervision and experience of teaching to doctors, and To students at medical institute of Novosibirsk. By preparation to To annual reprinting the book is essentially supplemented with references on Accessible Internet sources, illustrations, etc. In the FREE The electronic edition (PDF) the list of some rare syndromes is added and The symptoms which have been not included in ICD-10-CM Expert. Advantages of electronic formats of books allow Quickly to pass under the Internet reference to more detailed description of a situation Or semiology of diseases to add or look illustrations on To various themes in the book text, and many other things, including listing Materials on a paper and transparent films.