Saturday, April 11, 2009

Estimation Of A Condition Mucous Language Damages Or

Estimation of a condition mucous language Damages or decolouration The possible reasons and explanatories Soft hillocks and the small knots, similar colour On a skin It is supposed which is a precancer condition Soft red weight in the language basis Can be language localisation of a thyroid gland Red, brilliant surface Deficiency of vitamin B12 and Crimson language (Gunterovsky language) Glossit Meller-Guntera Colour of wild strawberry or raspberry Scarlet fever Cobblestone road type Deficiency Red with white touch The milkwoman Pale language Pale areas in language Bacterial Sharply allocated pale area on half of language (sign Liebermeister') Air White hairy strips (hairy leukoplakia) Virus Epstein-Barr at HIV patients Black hairy stains Colonies Aspergillus niger Knotty Syndrome of Uippla Cross-section cracks Congenital condition Longitudinal cracks Dehydration, syphilis Geographical language The nature is not clear Brilliant red tip of language (sign of Marfana) Fever at a typhus Ulcers of zadne-lateral surfaces of language Malignant diseases Fragmentary kind of an ulcer under language, papulo-pustuleznaja a rash Syndrome of Behcheta Ulcers On an average line of language or a tuberculosis Plural painful ulcers Tuberculosis (almost always pulmonary) Ulcer on a language tip Syphilis It is counted up that in a human body in a mouth is available an order of 2000 flavouring receptors.

Friday, April 10, 2009

On These Diseases Of Knowledge The Local Doctor

On these diseases of knowledge The local doctor should be the most perfect and exact. Laboratory-functional service of polyclinics, in our opinion, before In total should be guided by these diseases in Perfection of the work. 1.5 Features of work of the general practitioner - Necessity of long supervision. - The limited possibilities of momentary diagnostics. - Possibility of early diagnostics of menacing conditions and a serious illness. - Individual character of treatment. - Availability and convenience of treatment. - Possibility of treatment of the patient in-home. - Rendering of the psychological help to the patient and his family. - Carrying out of primary, secondary and tertiary preventive maintenance and training of members of a family. - Coordination and interface of interests of a family and health services. -- Treatment of sharp and chronic diseases at Children, adult and elderly, including the organisation care dying, etc. Syndromes and the symptoms included in - 10. The international classification of illnesses (), Syndromes, symptoms and conditions annually replenishes with new articles and Sections.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

2 Bronho-vezikuljarnoe (identical On A Breath And An

2 Bronho-vezikuljarnoe (identical on a breath and an exhalation, it is is better audible in areas). 3 Bronchial (the exhalation is longer than a breath, better Are audible over the breast handle). 4 Trahealnoe (identical on a breath and Exhalation, high on tone, very loud, are is better audible on a neck in a zone Tracheas). Respiratory noise (breath sounds) . Sounds of lungs; sounds of breath of sm as wheezing. Respiratory noise of a lung are usually investigated by auscultation by a stethoscope. Normal sounds at breath are listened in all parts the chest Cages, including fields above clavicles and over the bottom edges. Auscultation Allows to reveal normal sounds of breath (= ), zones The weakened breath, absence of sounds of breath and pathological Respiratory noise. Absence or the weakened sounds reflect the reduced Air stream to a listened zone of a lung. There are some types Pathological sounds : and rattles. wheezes Rattles sometimes can be heard and without a stethoscope. Other sounds sometimes also Are loud enough to be found out without a stethoscope.

5 %. View Citation And Abstract One Of Numerous

5 %. View citation and abstract One of numerous gradation of age of the person Novorozhden th and Babies The early childhood The first childhood The second childhood Under Sprouts Young men / Girls The first period of a maturity The second period of a maturity The elderly Old people Dolgozhite-whether 1-7 . 7 dn.-1 year 1-3g 4 - 7 l. 8-12 . 8-11 maidens 13-16 m. 12-15. 17-21/16-20 years 22-35 l. The husband. 21-35 wives. 36-60 l. The husband. 36-55 l. Wives. 61-74 m 56-74 75-90 years 90 years are more senior Other example of an estimation of age of the person is based on definition of concentration of an isotope of carbon (14). It is known that since 1955 as a result of nuclear tests concentration of a radioactive isotope of carbon (14) In air of the Earth began to grow considerably and has increased to 1963 approximately in 10 times when these tests in atmosphere have been forbidden and stopped. Plants, using the carbonic gas containing 14 , Became radioactive. Animals and people ate these Plants, gradually replacing in an organism not radioactive atoms Carbon isotopes 14 This tragedy of mankind Has allowed scientists to conduct unique researches - to define age Separate cages and fabrics of the person.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

8. Correlations Between These Four Areas Settle Down In

8. Correlations between these four areas settle down In limits from 0.4 to 0.7. In parallel to investigate and To estimate dependence with use of a known Index Satisfactions a life as has been found strong and positive Association between these two scales of measurements (r = 0.6, p = 0.01). Authors consider that CASP-19 it will appear the useful tool for Measurements QoL at persons of the senior age group. More in detail sm; Dizziness Often enough in advanced age in definition Qualities of a life play a role of the complaint to a bad dream and sudden weakness ( ). People of the senior age group tend To characterise the dream as shorter, not deep, (faltering) and c the reduced efficiency (not Freshening). Problems c at elderly persons can bring the contribution and to the decision Problems the patient in collectives and, thus, bearing The considerable social, psychological and economic importance. The researches published recently in the edition SLEEP show that at teenagers with the diagnosis of deficiency of attention or Hyperactive frustration ADHD with the greatest probability in the adult Lives will arise problems with a normal dream, and indisposition development It will not be connected in any way with intensity of current symptoms Hyperactivity.

Monday, April 6, 2009

). * Fizikalnoe Research Of An Air Line, Lungs

). * Fizikalnoe research of an air line, lungs and a diaphragm * () nose bosoms 4. Tool researches bronho - pulmonary system * Terms, reductions and designations. * Estimation of a condition of functions of bronho-pulmonary system (PFT) * Specifications and standards of indicators of function of lungs * Syndromes , hyperventilation and respiratory insufficiency * Short about therapeutic radiological syndromes in clips 5. Basic symptoms and syndromes at diseases of lungs * Tracheitis and types of a bronchitis (sharp and chronic) * Chronic obstructive diseases of lungs * Bronchial asthma * Emphysema of lungs and risk of cancer diseases * Estimation of signs of legochno-warm insufficiency * Rules in clips and the basic indicators of diseases under the analysis of a pleural liquid 6. The conclusion, prospects and rehabilitation Why the electronic variant of the book is more preferable? Electronic editions extend in the civilised World more and more. By experience of foreign publishing houses last years It is brightly visible that the share of printing magazines on a subscription all time falls, and The list and sale of electronic editions grows.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Arterial Leads To Reflex Increase Of Pressure In

Arterial leads to reflex increase of pressure in the pulmonary Vessels, to disclosing between them and bronchial veins and Arteries that leads to strengthening arterial , as The blood part is switched off from circulation of a small circle of blood circulation. (Sm Illustrations). Combination of infringements of ventilating function Lungs with frustration aggravates infringements of processes Diffusions of gases that leads to development of hypoventilation and chronic Respiratory insufficiency. Arterial further causes Development of some reactions: to concentration increase Haemoglobin, secondary with simultaneous increase in volume To circulating blood, increase of viscosity of blood, etc. (the Syndrome see Hypoventilation and an illustration) the Leading expert of the USA (Bartolome Celli) on Chronic obstructive illness of lungs (COPD) calls, that Smokers annually passed - simple test of function Lung for definition of degree of their annual deterioration of the respiratory Systems in connection with smoking.