Saturday, May 23, 2009

=6,6 ML/kg () And 7,8 ML/kg () TO

=6,6 mL/kg () and 7,8 mL/kg () TO Vt =300-500 mL or 10-20 % from 2 Reserve volume of a breath IRV E 50 % 3 Reserve volume of an exhalation ERV E 30 % 4 Volume of respiratory dead space MT VD E 80-150 mL 5 Residual volume of lungs RV E 30 % (=TCL) 6 The general capacity of lungs TCL E (36,2 age) growth (in sm) 7 Vital capacity of lungs Vc TO + + 8 Functional residual capacity of lungs FRC + 9 lungs lungs Compliance = TO: 16 (17) Indicators of ventilation of lungs 1 Frequency of breath f E 16 - 20 in mines 2 Minute volume of breath FASHIONS V E 4-6 L/mines 3 The maximum ventilation of lungs MVV E 80-100 % from ( ) 4 Minute alveolar ventilation AV E 60-80 % from FASHIONS 5 Respiratory equivalent Ve E 2-3 L/mines 6 Ventilating index VI E 2-3 from (FASHIONS: 2) 100 Indicators of passableness of an air line 1 Forced FEV L/Mines E 2 Forced for 0,75 0,75 FEV0.75 L/0,75sek E 3 Forced for 1 1 FEV1 L/1sek E 4 The test Tiffno - forced for 1 1 FEV1 L/1sek E 5 Test of Votchala 2 - L/2sek 6 Test of Kamro 3 FEV3 L/3sek E 7 Index of the forced exhalation FEV1/FEV E 60 - 90 % FEV 8 Index of speed of movement of a stream - E 16-20 E The basic indicators of gas exchange of lungs 1 Oxygen absorption 2 E 2 Oxygen operating ratio 2 2 (Ml): FASHIONS (L) E 3 Respiratory factor RECREATION CENTER 2 (Ml/mines): 2 (ml/mines) E 4 Pressure of oxygen in arterial blood 2 2 E 50-60 mm 5 Pressure of carbonic gas in blood 2 2 E 30-40 mm 5 Diffuzionnaja ability of alveoluses of lungs in mL/mmHg/mines DLCO/VA E 75-125 % from Dolzhn Other variant of calculation of due sizes: wives = [21,78 - (0,101 x age advanced in years)] x growth in sm the husband = [27,63 - (0,112 age advanced in years)] x growth in sm Due (settlement) functional residual capacity of lungs (FRC) 0,1295 growth (inches) - 5,19 (M); or 0,1220 growth (inches) - 5,19 for (). 1.4 Key Rules Of A Choice Of Methods 1.4 Key rules of a choice of methods of research and an estimation of results. -- It is necessary to choose from set of methods most Informative, specific, answering to an object in view. For example: The urgent help = the correct, as much as possible full diagnosis the minimum Means, in the minimum terms. -- Strictly to observe medical and diagnostic actions throughout all illness. -- No researches and analyses should be more dangerous than illness! -- Each doctor should know an obligatory minimum Diagnoses and laboratory-functional specifications on most frequent To diseases meeting in region, conditions. Thus, each revealed syndrome from the point of view of logic should satisfy to following conditions: * (origins, treatments, etc.). ** Sequence of confirming signs (a specificity ladder). *** Dokazatelnost in the different ways ( + a X-ray = a syndrome of consolidation of a pulmonary fabric). Oxford English Dictionary The dictionary defines an illness condition as: "a condition or a condition Body (body), or some part of body (body), in which its functions Are broken or upset For example, preliminary research Nervous system at primary survey occupies not much Time.

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Tserebrovaskuljarnaja Nature Detailed Research Of Character Of

The tserebrovaskuljarnaja nature Detailed research of character of pulse basically Points of a body before and after loading, tests arteries, ultrasonic arteries, etc. When hospitalisation for an estimation conditions is required? Revealing and syndrome acknowledgement not Necessarily demands hospitalisation and a detailed diagnostic estimation in Hospital. In the senior age groups of patients and at Proof infringements of a rhythm of heart at persons working on transport presence conditions is dangerous enough factor demanding Detailed inspection of patients in specialised branches. Palpitation - * you have what Or heart troubles, drain when or palpitation, irregular Rhythm? * as irregular warm blows are long? * when you For the first time have noticed an irregular warm rhythm? * you connect a pain in Breasts with ? * As long palpitation last? * on what Warm blows are similar? * that you do for a stop ? * Warm blows stop suddenly or gradually? * you considered Your pulse during episodes ? * you can tell on what The rhythm counted up by you is similar? * you noticed the irregular warm Blows at physical activity? * you tested , dizzinesses or headaches in connection with yours Irregular a warm rhythm? * what medicines or means.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

1.3 SEMIOTICS All Symptoms Meeting At Any Diseases

1.3 SEMIOTICS All symptoms meeting at any diseases and conditions, it is possible to divide on: 1. (=istinno-positive) - direct and indirect. They always specify in one disease, a condition. 2. Accompanying (=, mediated) - accompanying concrete disease, but meeting and at a number of other diseases. These symptoms belong to the class is false positive or is false negative. For example the Syndrome of a fever which meets at very many diseases, and it strongly depends on a combination of accompanying symptoms. 3. Induced (=) - Arising under certain conditions: at physical activity - Short wind, at pungent smells - an asthma, etc. the Revealed symptoms and Signs are necessary for writing down as decreasing specificity in Ladder for definition of lacks at gathering of the anamnesis and at Objective inspection of the patient. At record of such ladder It is expedient to allocate basic (=istinno-positive), accompanying And the induced symptoms, often general for many diseases (Weakness, depression, a fever, etc.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Additional Transport Mechanism Includes An Exchange Of

The additional transport mechanism includes an exchange of ions 1' 3, Na + on +, secretion +, To +, 1 ', 3 ` joint transport Na + both glucose and active carrying over Na + through a membrane by means of N +/ +--. Thus, water circulation through intestines is carried out in volume equal approximately 30 - to 36 litres a day. In a small intestine site also Are soaked up: iron, calcium, , fats, fibers, , Absorbed in to the form after dissolution by salts of the bilious Acids, amino acids and , absorbed by the specific Carriers; the sugar, absorbed by means of active transport. On a small intestine site are soaked up: , salts Bilious acids and water, and in a thick gut - water and electrolits. advances the intestinal Contents (chemical moustache) from a stomach to to an aperture with division Components that promotes absorption and the nutritious Substances. Contents advancement on intestines is supervised nervous, and hormonal mechanisms. In particular it occurs under The control a motor complex.

More In Detail Sm - Http:// By Preparation

More in detail sm - By preparation for a session the patient Should be carefully and it is in detail instructed about the test scheme, about Value of commands carrying out, receptions at record of the test of volumes of breath. At any scheme of record of parametres of functions of bronho-pulmonary system - Allows to estimate united, the general mechanical, Functions of lungs, chest wall and respiratory muscles. Thus spend Measurements of volumes of air on a breath and on an exhalation from full volume of lungs (Full capacity of a lung [=TLC]) to volume of lungs after Exhalation. Such volumes are called as maximum forced vital In capacity (=FVC). The maximum volume of an exhalation on the first second of an exhalation (FEV1) should be at repeated gaugings in limits + / - 0.15 L, if FVC for the patient not less than 1 litre. To receive the greatest possible result On a breath and then as fast as possible to exhale, the device should measure Exhalation volume for the first second (FEV1) an exhalation.

Other Factors Of Preventive Maintenance And Treatment Understanding

Other factors of preventive maintenance and treatment Understanding To role of proinflammatory intermediaries at a chronic bronchitis has led to accent on allocation of treatment of an inflammation in an air path and Reduction of signs of a bronchospasm. Inhalation bromide (ipratropium) and preparations is considered the gold standard of treatment of a bronchitis now. It is necessary to remember that reduction or Inhalation elimination from environment, type of aerosols For hair, deodorants in the house, organic cleaners or harmful Gases on a workplace, episodes of long influence of the external Air pollution with high levels sulphurous - also The reasonable offer for the patient. As treatment of the chronic Bronchitis it is resulted in set of managements, I send readers to To corresponding articles (is more detailed than sm in chapter 6). Bronchial asthma Definition: the Asthma - - progressing disease with primary Defeat of bronchial tubes, which not adequate narrowing of the air Lines, rattles (wheezing), a short wind, in breasts and cough.