Friday, February 13, 2009

Features Of Pains In A Thorax At Diseases

Features of pains in a thorax at diseases of respiratory organs The important basic Sign of many diseases of a thorax and respiratory organs is Intensity, character and duration of a chest pain. Measurement Intensity of a pain strongly depends on set of the reasons, however to The present remains subjective enough criterion. There is variety of techniques, algorithms and the schemes allowing approximately, To floor - in the quantitative way on a special scale (illustration sm) To measure intensity of a pain. Pains at breath. Pains at breath (more often In total are connected with a pleura) it is necessary to distinguish from:) ; Intercostal neuralgia; ; surrounding depriving; Damages of edges; , bruises, etc. SO chest pain principal causes include: Menacing conditions: 1) heart troubles: - Myocardium heart attack; - a stenocardia; - ; 2) illnesses Sosudov:-stratifying an aorta aneurysm; - pulmonary Arteries; 3) illnesses : - ; - gullet damage; 4) illnesses of respiratory organs: - a lung heart attack; - ; - Pleurisy; - a pneumonia.

But That It Is Possible To Consider As

But that it is possible To consider as very accurate genetic marker of an asthma so it is perfect Precisely. It is considered that gene ORMDL3, most likely, not a unique marker Asthmas so research of scientists to proceed for revealing of the others. Look - more in detail Emphysema of lungs and risk of cancer diseases At revealing of a syndrome of the raised lightness Lungs (emphysema) which is often complication of any Obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema and illnesses also is called in English-speaking countries COPD has the major value for the patient and its labour examination. A quality estimation Lives at such patients is under construction on criteria of effects of treatment and Signs of the basic illness. More often in number of signs and criteria Qualities of a life of patients with COPD Include tolerance to physical activity (foot test, or ) and expressiveness of a short wind in rest (+ Test, heterogeneity of breath, , etc.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

0) Features Stomach Researches At Prospective Diseases . ,

0) Features stomach researches at prospective diseases . , (-536.3) and ( - 537.81) Syndrome insufficiency Criteria of a chronic pancreatitis Diarrheas, the reasons and diagnostics Neurosises of intestines and spastic (-564.0) and other kinds Lock functional ( - 564.81) Syndrome of an angry thick gut ( - 564.1) Revealing of bleedings from and criteria of urgency of intervention Introduction Allocation of separate syndromes at forms of diseases in my opinion it is necessary for an estimation for The best understanding of interrelations clinical and Conditions of patients. Since 2003 year when I began to collect The information on syndromes and symptoms for the book "3000 signs of illnesses ", the large quantity of new data and the data in all has collected Areas and sections of internal illnesses, including in Gastroenterologies. In connection with these circumstances I also have issued" Therapeutic syndromes. GASTROENTEROLOGY 2007-2008 "in the form of the separate Books, having added with its fresh illustrations (32) and references to clips ( More than 100).

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Talley [5]) The Roman Criteria III Reject Such

Talley [5]) the Roman criteria III reject Such definition because diarrheas () usually a condition and 99 % of patients, thus, complain or Inform about more than 2 signs, and more than 80 % of patients Show more than 5 signs. These signs often include a pain in , a heartburn, an eructation sour, etc. Therefore, the committee recommended the following Pragmatical definition: this presence of 1st or Quantities of signs of diarrheas which, occur from gastro-duodenalnoj areas in the absence of any organic, The system reason or infringement of a metabolism which can explain These signs. The list of these signs: * At least 3 months from the beginning of a sign or other signs at least 6 Months (1 or quantity from the following: sensation of the early Saturation or feeling , pains in , a heartburn and Absence of certificates of concrete illness (including researches ) Which, can (possibly explain these signs. Subgroups of symptoms and signs are allocated also, Named a pain syndrome in (EPS) and a syndrome (postprandial) stress (PDS).