Monday, September 29, 2008

Thus Try To Avoid Contact With With A

Thus Try to avoid contact with with a nose partition is very much Sensitive zone for the patient. The most general reasons Nose partitions include an infection, a syphilis, a tuberculosis, collagenic Vascular diseases, Vegenera, system , an arthritis, toxic influences, for example, use Cocaine and a poisoning with chrome derivatives. -- Transillumination of bosoms of a nose For carrying out of research of bosoms of a nose black out a room to the greatest possible degree. (++) Place a bright tiny and COLD source Light in an oral cavity = external survey, or over acting corner of the top Jaws = internal survey (++). At an internal variant of survey on mucous a mouth, Especially in a hard palate projection, look at outlines of shades and search Borders of change of symmetry and colour. Changes of colour and symmetry of shades Bosoms will help to define or emptiness of Gajmorovyh of bosoms Nose. At a premise of the COLD bright light source In an oral cavity as contours of Gajmorovyh of bosoms and, partially, a bosom are visible Face-to-face bone.

10. Other Illnesses Connected With Raised Risk Of

10. Other illnesses connected with raised risk of development OSAHS . This condition is frequent It has been connected with development OSAHS; however, recent have shown, That prevalence at patients with OSAHS - not above Than in the general cohort the population and patients with OSAHS usually should not To be exposed to additional researches on , except, Probably, elderly women. Nevrologicheskkie syndromes, syndrome type Postpoliomyelitis, dystrophies and infringements of the independent nervous Systems of type Shy - Drager'a a syndrome undoubtedly lead OSAHS. A stroke. Frequency of relation OSAHS to to illnesses it is still found out, defined and It is specified. The demonstrative base that prevalence OSAHS grows Increases at patients who had a stroke. However, whether is OSAHS a risk factor for a stroke or the stroke leads to development OSAHS, remains while not clear. Additional data on this theme: References; Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome; Differential Diagnoses; Obstr Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome; Clips - (Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome) Technical reasons on quality of record ATS experts offer recommendations for the standardised technics of record PFT (=) , Which includes spirometric standards.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

6.4 Urea And Blood. 6.5 Syndrome . And

6.4 Urea and blood. 6.5 Syndrome . and false . 6.6 Syndrome . Ways of revealing . 6.7 Syndrome . 6.8 Syndrome . 6.9 Syndrome . 6.10 Research of separate functions of kidneys. 6.10.0 Test With With Zimnitsky. Test Reberga - Tareeva. 6.10.1 Complications of illnesses of kidneys and urine of deducing system. 6.11 Chronic nephritic insufficiency. Section 1 Broad-brush observations to classifications of illnesses Estimation of the most significant directions in medicine As decreasing importance the majority of experts gives the XXI-st centuries in Following order: 1. Allergic diseases. 2. Psychological diseases (increase in frequency of genetic defects). 3. Cardiovascular diseases (influence of a way of life). 4. Malignant new growths (quality of water, air, food) 5. Endokrinnye diseases. 6. Nonspecific diseases of lungs. 7. Traumas and poisonings. 8. Children's death rate. The CART: the world is threatened with epidemics Each of these sections includes hundreds Diseases, conditions, syndromes and symptoms.

THORAX - A Condition Estimation Definition Of The

THORAX - a condition estimation Definition of the major functions systems Diagnostics of some diseases systems at the elderly Features of diagnostics of syndromes warmly - vascular system at elderly Definition of the major functions warmly - vascular system Stomach vessels - on a skin, at , at and on ultrasonic Vessels of the bottom finitenesses - arteries and veins. Rhythm infringements - the simplified estimation of infringements of a rhythm-ekstrasistolija, vibrating , etc. Features of diagnostics of diseases at the elderly Language, gullet, stomach, intestines, etc. Diagnostics of some diseases systems at elderly men and women. THE CONCLUSION References to sources, illustrations and clips and clips Dear readers The author all approaches to that age, when more close The knowledge of gerontology to become necessity for introspection. Set of the errors separated and the inconsistent information in The Internet on these subjects includes also opinion of the author. Therefore, if Consider it necessary, read and unpack free of charge on the printer That has turned out and is exposed on page http://www.

Restriktivnyj Syndrome Reduction Of Volumes FVC Against Normal

Restriktivnyj syndrome Reduction of volumes FVC against normal or The increased volumes of parity FEV1 to FVC it should be considered as Diagnostic signal for an exception (restrictive) Illnesses of lungs. As FEV1 is fraction (share) FVC, Parity FEV1 to FVC can be kept on normal or slightly The raised level. Total amount measurement helps with such cases Lungs (TLC) and residual volume of lungs (RV) which can To confirm a syndrome lungs. (Sm of illustration Media File). Quantitative definition of changes of spirometric indicators At normal values of indicators (FVC, FEV1 and relation FEV1 to FVC) they, usually, above the bottom Settlement level according to the formula and a due limit. Most The low limit of such normal values is certain by expert group GOLD on the basis of results of the average predicted value , the floor of patients based on factors, age and Growth a minus 1.64 (a standard error of tests at studying of specifications For population). If value of the bottom limit of norm is not known or It is inaccessible, FVC and FEV1 for comparison should be big or To equal 80 % to volumes from due (= or predicted), and Relation FEV1 to FVC should be no more, than on 8-9 absolute Points of percent below the predicted parity.