Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pulmonary Hypertension Has Traditionally Been Divided On Two

Pulmonary hypertension Has traditionally been divided on two forms: primary and secondary. The aetiology of a primary pulmonary hypertension () is unknown. At the secondary Pulmonary hypertension there is a myriad respiratory, warm, and infringements with which explain the nature of the pulmonary Hypertensions. As a result, this classification becomes Washed away and not clear, as for example, at Churg-Strauss a syndrome - one of many forms vaskulitov - illnesses, which (vs) Are characterised by an inflammation of a wall of blood vessels. Churg-Strauss The syndrome, in particular arises at patients with presence of the bronchial Asthmas or allergies in the anamnesis also it is characterised by an inflammation of the blood Vessels in lungs, a skin, nerves and a belly cavity (aa ay). The vessels involved in Churg-Strauss a syndrome usually of an artery and a vein Small calibre. Churg-Strauss the syndrome meets seldom. The reason Syndrome it is not known yet, but is more often it meets at the wrong "Activation" of immune system at people with a bronchial asthma.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Can Be: "Central" - For The Account (an

can be: "Central" - for the account (an oxygen lack), connected with insufficiency or "on the right-on the left" inside the warm Blood dump at heart diseases, etc. Questions to the patient - * Where It is shown ? * As for a long time you have noticed it? * it is frequent and as Appears (suddenly or gradually)? Whether * in your family (= among relatives) still who or with this condition? Whether you had Breast pain, cough i-or bleeding connected with ? "Peripheral" - happens "respiratory" is more often The nature also it is connected with reduction of warm emission, venous stagnation and (=), vessels. (a photo 5); Questions to the patient - * Where It is shown ? * As for a long time you have noticed it? * it is frequent and as Appears (suddenly or gradually)? Whether * in your family (= among relatives) still who or with this condition? Whether you had Breast pain, cough i-or bleeding connected with ? Hair. Density, colouring and a thickness Hair of the person depends basically on genetic factors and character A food.

Terms "" And "" One Of The Most

Terms "" And "" one of the most multiple-valued syndromes including sensations Pains of various intensity and character in , discomfort, Stomach overflow, a swelling of a stomach, feeling of fast saturation during meal, an eructation, a heartburn, etc. Depending on the reasons, occurrence frustration, allocate organic and functional (not Ulcer) diarrheas. Rather not ulcer frustration Stomach speak when at inspection of the patient not It is possible to show such obvious illnesses, as a stomach ulcer and tumours. To the main sign - to a condition mucous Stomach, allocate the version (pains prevail), the version (pains in prevail) and uncertain The version not ulcer diarrhoeia (there is no prepotent Sign). Functional infringements of activity with Each year become more and more widely accepted as lawful (Conditions) and diseases, worthy clinical attention and scientific Researches. These conditions are very extended all over the world and Remain a call for clinical physicians. Widely known Roman criteria Such conditions and diseases offer basic signs of the based Diagnostic criteria for these diseases.

Adiposity (a. Constitutionalis), Caused By The Infringement Of

Adiposity (a. constitutionalis), caused by the infringement of a metabolism inherited On prepotent type; it is characterised by uniform adjournment of fat on To all body. Adiposity cerebral (a.cerebralis), sin. - adiposity . Adiposity painful (adipositas dolorosa),-sin.-Derkuma illness. Adiposity (adipositas hypophysialis), sin. - a dystrophy . Adiposity degenerate-sin. - a dystrophy fatty. Adiposity dekompozitsionnoe-sin. A dystrophy fatty. Adiposity infiltrativnoe - (sin.-adiposity idle time) - accumulation in cages of mainly neutral fats. Adiposity of a liver-sin. - the fatty. Adiposity simple-sin. - adiposity . Adiposity (adipositas pubertalis) sin. - youthful. 2.9.4 to Estimate a condition and degree of development of kostno-muscular system, including joints. 2.9.5 Survey and the top finitenesses. Survey Hands, usually, begin with an estimation of a condition of nails. Already, how the patient Looks after the nails can specify in habits and character The person. At healthy, tidy patients nails shining, pleasant Shade, correspond to the general tone of a skin of hands.