Saturday, February 2, 2008

3 %). Under The Various Data A System Hypertension

3 %). Under the various data a system hypertension at Patients with an obstructive syndrome it is observed in 50-70 %. A little Works in the literature assert that OSAHS is a risk factor for Hypertensions, irrespective of fatness, age, consumption of alcohol and Smoking. However, while there is no final expert judgement that treatment or management of syndrome OSAHS with the help Cars of nasal type CPAP are lowered by arterial pressure of blood at Long-term supervision. As shown in a number of researches, metabolic The syndrome is recognised now by the important factor on development of an atherosclerosis, Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Besides There are serious suspicions, and as the indirect data about the negative Influence on proinflammatory factors of syndromes of fatness and Pressure. Many references testify, That at patients with OSAHS often find the increased levels of glucose in Blood and the changed resistance to insulin. Correlations have been noted and between degree Pressure of oxygen in blood, during a dream and degree Obstructions.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Now International Marriages In Moscow Russian (women Conclude

Now International marriages in Moscow Russian (women conclude twice To thicket! (62 %) marriages with foreigners, than Russian men. Earlier (50-100 Years back) on the first place it is traditional according to ethnic Marriage on model "Russian - the Ukrainian" was country structure, further went "Russian - the Jew", "Russian - the Byelorussian", "Russian - the Armenian" the Maintenance Introduction Syndromes of the general property Some features of the person and mentality of patients with diseases Complaints and standard questionnaires Appetite loss Diarrhoeia syndrome (, ) Changes of a skin and nails at diseases [Vitiligo ( - 709.01), a skin itch (-564.9), , and ( - 374.51), , and ( - 695.0), pigmentary stains on lips Etc.] Estimation of infringements of activity ( - 564.9) Oral cavity, teeth and a drink ( - 529.8; 530.81, etc.) Eructation, a heartburn and zheludochno-pishchevodnyj a reflux ( - 787.1) Nausea and vomiting (-536.2; 536.8; 787.2; 3) Gullet dyskinesia ( - 530.5) and Belly-ache syndrome (-789.