Saturday, December 29, 2007

2.7. A Minimum Quantity Of The Information For

2.7. A minimum quantity of the information for end of gathering of the anamnesis. 2.8. The general survey and a condition estimation. 2.8.0 Survey and heads and necks. 2.8.1 Person as an illness mirror. 2.8.2 Examples of skin signs on some illnesses. 2.8.3 Conditions of a hypodermically-fatty fabric and indexes of weight of a body. 2.8.4 Estimation of a condition of kostno-myshechno-articulate system. 2.8.5 Survey and the top finitenesses. 2.8.6 Survey and a thorax. 2.8.7 Perkussija of a thorax. 2.8.8 Auscultation of a thorax. 2.8.9 Surveys and kinds a stomach. 2.8.10 Definition of the sizes of a liver and a spleen . 2.8.11 Definition of the sizes of bodies of a belly cavity by other methods. 2.8.12 Survey and the bottom finitenesses. 2.8.13 Research of a rectum and glands 2.9. A fever syndrome, the theory and practical questions. 2.9.0 Types of fevers. 2.9.1 Inspection of patients at a fever of not clear origin. 2.9.2 Medicinal fevers. 2.10 Features of diagnostics of diseases at elderly patients.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

P> 3 Mm 11111 Assignment Negative P In

P> 3 mm 11111 assignment Negative P in V1 QRS at wide S the Deviation axes in right S> R in I . R in V5 - V6 it is lowered in . V1 rs, Rs or rS Modern lines in diagnostics, preventive maintenance and asthma treatment On August, 30th, 2007 NAEPP have let out recommendations to a substantiation of the clinical diagnosis and treatment of a bronchial asthma. (EPR-3) The reconsidered criteria and Principles of a substantiation of the diagnosis of an asthma include and modernise Similar principles on conducting patients with an asthma the published Accordingly in 1991, 1997 and 2002 also represent new strategy For the control of signs of a current and asthma treatment. By this time Prevalence of a bronchial asthma in the USA makes approximately 22 One million person, including 6.5 million children and teenagers is younger 18 Years, and death rate from an asthma and its complications are estimated as in 4000 cases in Year. Under the aegis of NHLBI (national institute of health of the USA), the skilled group of 18 experts collected by committee NAEPP, Leads strict, regular annual selection and the review of the medical Literatures, the best offers and accessible recommendations in principles The control and treatment of patients with a bronchial asthma.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

"The Smoking Termination - Unique, The Best Method

"The smoking termination - unique, the best Method and the most profitable way of reduction of risk of development COPD or Stops of its progression, "doctor Selli (the professor of University has told In Boston, Massachusetts). COPD - the term ordinary describing Chronic bronchitis and emphysema of lungs. It, as a rule, slowly The progressing illness of lungs characterised by gradual loss Functions of lungs and first of all with a tobacco smoking. A victim of it Voluntary suffering have the inflammatory answer in Bronchial tubes and a lung fabric in reply to harmful particles or gases from a smoke Cigarettes. Signs of an obstructive syndrome of lungs can include cough, or allocation even before function Lung starts to decrease. Features of the case record and researches of patients with an obstructive syndrome of lungs As much as possible full case record, lives, Family tree and research of the patient - corner stones The diagnosis an obstructive syndrome of lungs. An obstructive syndrome apnoe-gipopnoe Obstructive syndrome apnoe-gipopnoe (=OSAH) It is characterised by episodes of blocking of the top site of the air Lines and occurrence of barriers to a stream of air during a dream.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Largest A Bosom (sinus Maxillaris) Settles Down

The largest a bosom (sinus maxillaris) settles down in a body of the top jaw and opens in Average nasal course. The steam room has the form truncated three- is more often or Tetrahedral pyramid; size left and right bosoms At one person can be various. In to a bosom Distinguish four additional deepenings, or bays (malar, Frontal, palatal and alveolar), which depending on degree bosoms can change its form and topographical Parity with surrounding fabrics. The frontal bosom (sinua frontalis) is in Frontal bone, has the form of a trihedral pyramid with the basis turned From top to bottom. It is divided by a partition not always occupying the median Position, on two parts; there are also additional partitions. Walls Frontal bosom sometimes have bone ledges and crossbeams, degree bosoms it is various. The bosom is informed with an average nasal Course. The frontal bosom can sometimes be absent. Klinovidnaja bosom (sinus sphenoidalis), located in a body bones, it is divided Partition on right and left (more often not identical) parts (in the separate Cases there are some partitions).

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Now It Analyses Confirm DNA: Ours The Most

Now it analyses confirm DNA: ours The most distant ancestors were natives of East Africa and in each of Us are traces of "black" blood. According to the data which have been received Collective of the researchers, the headed E.Simonsom, The professional-anthropologist from the American University Djuka, considerable Brain development, and, hence, and intelligence, has come in a course Evolutions of people later, than considered earlier. A brain (a skull It is found in Egypt) it has appeared less assumed. lived On coast of Nile about 300 million years ago! All of them concern to To "generation" of the general primogenitors of modern people (and monkeys), but this The kind of the first beings has appeared a deadlock branch of evolution of the person, Is, among nowadays existing its animal descendants is not present. People (as nowadays Existing reasonable, and a number of the died out kinds) belong to Evolutionary branch including gibbons, orangutans, gorillas and Chimpanzee. About 40 million years ago from them monkeys have separated New World, for example Capuchins, , and .