Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Chest Pain Can Be Initial, Primary The

The chest pain can be initial, primary The complaint and, often, demands detailed research not only chest Cages, but also all organism. Features with a chest pain syndrome can include researches of patients: Measurement of arterial pressure (BP), frequency Pulse (PR), frequency of breath (RR), a body temperature and blood oxygenation Oxygen (O2) At research of a head and a neck allocate Pulsation of arteries and head veins Stretchings of veins of a neck or their swelling, Listen to carotids and bulbs of carotids on presence of noise Thorax walls ( and ) intercostal intervals and intensity of muscles compare sonority of fields of lungs and search for rattles (rashes) and define a parity of time of a breath and an exhalation Heart - listen warm to sounds and tones ( Definition of sonority, rhythm, presence and noise, etc.). A stomach - auscultation of noise of intestines and vessels of a belly cavity; - superficial, deep and topographical; Finitenesses - research and an estimation of pulse a minimum in five typical points; Comparison of temperature of the top finitenesses and a trunk (a syndrome of "hot hands").

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Symptoms Can Be Absent In Rest And Appear

Symptoms Can be absent in rest and appear only at the physical To loading. 3. Research of a condition of functions of external breath (). Defeats Lungs seldom cause breath frustration. If indicators of tests on Obstruction presence (1, 1/) or () are not lowered (<80 % from due), diseases of lungs can be doubtful. 4 estimation of function hearts. Emission fraction ( ) Left at diseases of lungs in rest and-or during time Loadings as a rule it is lowered. At ultrasonic heart scanning should be Are calculated pressure in a cavity right and the estimation is spent Conditions the device. Especially these researches are important at Accompanying pulmonary hypertension. Additional references under schemes of interrogation of patients - Nasal congestion; Chest pain; Cough; Difficulty swallowing; Shortness of breath. Cough and its versions Cough (-786.2) concerns the most frequent signs of disease of lungs. Cough is natural reflex reaction of a human body On any drinks, tracheas, bronchial tubes and, especially - Trachea site on a branching of the main bronchial tubes.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

2-adrenergicheskih Receptors Antagonists And Stimulate , Influencing On

2-adrenergicheskih receptors antagonists and stimulate , influencing on 2-adrenergicheskie receptors, Located in smooth muscles mucous air lines. Excitation of these receptors increases production of the cyclic (AMP) which in turn forbid Bronchospasm. Recommendations about inhalation forms of preparations 2 -adrenergicheskih receptors are cautious, because Forms of preparations have slower beginning of action and, as a rule, Are connected with the big range of action (and complications!). Short Actions beta2-adrenergicheskie antagonists (=SABAs), type terbutalin'a And albuterol'a, it is often used as necessity to reduce Signs COPD because they operate faster and reach a maximum Effect soon after appointment also provide Effective approximately at 4-6 o'clock. Application terbutalin'a In high doses also have shown that is possible seriously To improve ventilation of lungs even at patients with late stages and Serious forms COPD. It is shown what to improve state of health at Patients with a short wind it is possible and with irreversible forms COPD.

Monday, August 27, 2007

For It Is Considered A Symptom Of Unny-Dare,

for It is considered a symptom of Unny-Dare, when at a friction stains or or after a touch to them of a warm subject soon There is a reddening and element swelling - it gets a kind. in a progressing stage can Periodically to disappear and appear again that as a result conducts to more To dark colouring of elements of a rash, up to brown colour of stains, and To increase in their number - from individual to hundreds. Disease regress Begins at the age of 6-7 years or by the period of puberty and It is characterised gradual and sometimes even by the permission Elements. Spontaneous occurs approximately at 50 % of patients in age, at 25 % the partial permission comes in the mature Age. System signs of liberation at (Incidental "inflow", a tachycardia, breath infringements, a headache, Intestinal , the diarrhoeia, a hypotension) are almost constant. Robert D Sweet'a the syndrome has been described as sharp Feverish 40 years ago. A classical picture Sweet a syndrome: usually at women without problems with health appear The raised, reddish, steady and painful damages of a skin.