Friday, December 21, 2007

THE MAINTENANC Introductio 1. The Historical Inquiry On

THE MAINTENANC Introductio 1. The historical inquiry on an origin of the person and formation of types of a constitution. 2. Classification of types of a constitution, feature of characters and behaviour. 3. A choice of the partner in a constitution for a continuation of the family. 3.0 Some rules of a choice of the candidate in husbands. 3.1 Separate recommendations for choice nominees in the wife. 4. Communication of a constitution, properties of character and behaviour of the person. 4.0 Evropeoidnaja race. 4.1 Mongoloidnaja race. 4.2 Value of wrinkles on a forehead 5. Influence of illnesses on character of the person. 5.0 Person as a mirror of illnesses of the person. 5.1 Definition of longevity on a constitution and other signs. 6. Features of manual patterns, lines on palms and possible properties of character. 6.0 Dermatoglifika and syndromes of illnesses. 7. Other ways of revealing of features of character and behaviour of the person. 7.0 Analysis of handwriting and feature of character.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

This The Category Of Illnesses Includes Not Only

This The category of illnesses includes not only a bronchial asthma, sharp and Chronic a bronchitis, an emphysema, illness, but also Some kinds of a pneumonia, alpha-antitripsinovye of a condition and deficiencies, , and (cystic fibrosis). Exhaled stream of air at any of these Conditions it is reduced. The leading mechanism of changes of volume and speed Stream of exhaled air there can be a spasm of bronchial tubes, an inflammation Mucous bronchial tubes, increase in internal volume of a thorax and-or Reduction of volumes easy and air lines because of loss Elasticity of a lung. Use of lower threshold of the normal Indicators for FEV1/FVC the relation offered Global The initiative of Obstructive Illness of the Lung (GOLD) while has a number Lacks of a scientific substantiation also does not include a number of patients from both The ends of an age scale. Thus young patients by criteria GOLD Sometimes concern to "normal", when signs of an obstructive syndrome Are present. In the senior age group at a number of patients at Carrying out the obstruction of respiratory ways, when comes to light No barrier to air stream is present.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Thus Often There Is A Symptom "the Plentiful

Thus often there is a symptom "the plentiful One-stage "allocation . Superfluous allocation and Exhausting cough - frequent signs of a bronho-alveolar cancer (=). Foamy with a pink shade, - a hypostasis sign Lungs, with rusty inclusions, - the certificate Pneumonia. Other characteristics of cough - a cough Sound Low tone it is usually connected with the basic changes of the main things air Lines-throats, a trachea and the main bronchial tubes. Barking cough or a croup with Illnesses of a throat. Sudden, type of exclamations paroxysms of cough with Whooping cough. Night cough - with warm insufficiency, bronchial Asthma and a reflux. If food intake often causes Fits of coughing, - search for a diaphragm hernia, or a reflux. Radiological researches The direct And lateral roentgenogram of a thorax The roentgenogram () bosoms CT a thorax Laboratory tests (, IgE, , tests For definition of collagenic vascular illnesses, , infections) Tests according to pulmonary functions (, tests with , etc.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Thus, For Example, A Syndrome Chronic Obstruction Of

Thus, for example, a syndrome Chronic obstruction of lungs (= illness, = COPD), described in 21st The textbook on to researches of patients (the edition with 1957 on 1998 ), it is defined by means of 40 various signs. But recommended For use in practice receptions and symptoms for diagnosing COPD are very seldom accompanied by instructions of their accuracy, sensitivity Or specificity. Besides, one of these qualitative researches Signs and the symptoms, based on two groups of doctors of universities, Has shown that excessive hobby only criteria COPD results in 12 % in the erroneous diagnosis. It is thus revealed that only 4 parametres (1 - Pulmonary the anamnesis, 2 - a low arrangement of a palatal uvula, 3 - A tobacco smoking with the experience at 40 summer patients and 4 - age in more than 44 years) were as much as possible specific and important in diagnosing COPD. Total (99 %) patients with all 4-mja signs had Positive results, unlike 12 % of patients which had no Any of these signs.