Friday, August 17, 2007

As It Is Known, Age Of A Cage

As it is known, age of a cage and The certain fabric can define if to learn age of chromosomes - The genetic material which is in its kernel. And age of chromosomes It is possible to learn if to measure dynamics maintenances in them 14. It should be precisely same what was maintenance 14 in air at a birth of the given cage as chromosomes is the passport of the cage which have been given out to it on all life. Measuring concentration 14 In chromosomes, the group of scientists of the USA and Sweden has shown that some Parts of our body are much younger than others. So, for example, muscles The 30-year-old person have appeared twice more youngly him. In the same Experiments it has been established that nervous cages of a brain The same age, as the person have. Therefore it is possible to name a brain The computer, which components never or very seldom Are updated. The carbon maintenance in enamel of a teeth (0,4 %) more than in Other fabrics of our organism. Therefore, studying percent 14 In tooth enamel it is possible with a split-hair accuracy (Ђ1,6 years) to define date Births of the person.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Uvula Assumes Infection Presence, A Syndrome Sleepy

The uvula assumes infection presence, a syndrome sleepy or illness Heavy chains (scale). The uvula redness is marked at virus and Bacterial infection. Classification of pathological changes of the palatal Sm uvula in illustrations. -- Nose research Estimation of a condition of a nose Nose research can give a lot of the valuable Information concerning the general status of health of the patient, including Identification of certain system illnesses. Besides, this estimation Will provide the doctor with the additional information on a condition respiratory Systems where the nose serves as body of warming, humidifying and the filter Inhaled air. Besides the nose carries out such major functions As definition of smells and development of antibodies. Outwardly a nose To investigate not difficult. Mucous a nose and internal structures of bosoms Can be observed with use of the special lighter (penlight) and nasal reflectors (speculum). -- By preparation of the patient for nose research it is necessary to explain All procedure to the patient in simple and clear to it terms.