Saturday, August 4, 2007

Use Various Radioactive Elements Gives The Chance To

Use Various radioactive elements gives the chance to allocate the wide Range of pathologies with very high permission of a total picture in 2 And 3 projections. imaging techniques Still the big diagnostic possibilities opens MRI, allowing To reveal vascular both metabolic and other defects in fabrics. In Last years more and more wide application are found by practice , allowing to reconstruct the diagnosis, especially in area Gastroenterologies, cardiology, pulmonology and a number of other general Conditions. endoscopy Many of these researches extremely expensive and, that the exact diagnosis has been as much as possible balanced in the relation The price \quality for effective decision-making on treatment, are necessary Special standards, researches and algorithms. Aspiration to guess the diagnosis before inspection (no Time, reactants, equipment and .) - the most frequent reason of errors Directed by the diagnosis and, accordingly, in schemes of treatment of patients. (1) For example, the local doctor within a year meets probability of 95 % In total with 16 diseases: 350-400 times are a flu or (), 40-50 Time - an arterial hypertensia, 20-30 times - or a neurasthenia, 5-10 Time - , 3-5 times - a stroke and . Section 1. Broad-brush Observations To Classification Of Illnesses Section 1. Broad-brush observations to classification of illnesses and signs 1.1 Terms the diagnosis and syndromes 1.2 Rather and . 1.2.0 Semiotics. Kinds of signs, them Sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic value and them The predictive importance. 1.2.1 Key rules of a choice of methods of research and an estimation of results. 1.3 Features of activity of the general practitioner. 1.4 Symptoms and the syndromes included in - 10 (the separate program). Section 2. A scheme breadboard model researches of patients. 2.0. Feature of psychology of patients (examples of questionnaires of interrogation). 2.1. Finding-out of the official data and definition of a leading syndrome. 2.2. Complaints of the patient their sorting and measurement of a syndrome of a pain. 2.3. History of development of the basic disease. 2.4. Interrogation on separate systems, (<questionnaires> an index of quality of a life). 2.5. The preliminary forecast of a condition. 2.6. The general rules of gathering of the anamnesis and dialogue with the patient.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Each 5 Years There Is An Updated Variant

Each 5 years there is an updated variant of edition In cost nearby 200$. In this connection I try to fill up mine Electronic editions new references and illustrations. Section 2 the Breadboard model of the description of the scheme of primary inspection of patients 2.0 Features of psychology of patients Experts on confirm: anything So does not change feature of character and the person of the person, as Chronic illnesses. Illnesses of kidneys always cause the general Organism intoxication. It conducts behind itself slackness, decrease in attention, Weariness, desire that all have left alone. The nephritic patient it is difficult To concentrate, force itself to work. The feverish are shown Mood swings, tearfulness. Aggravation of urolithic illness or chronic Pyelonephritises creates one more very discomfortable condition, about which And not to all relatives you will tell, - frequent desires in a toilet. It creates The general nervousness and even . Happens that the person at all Dares to leave the house, without having run some times "in a small way".