Friday, November 9, 2007

Initiatives On Training Of The Patient And Monitoring

Initiatives on training of the patient and monitoring Accompanying diseases, including vaccination from a flu and a pneumonia. Choice of possible surgical treatment Surgical procedures and type manipulations can be executed strictly selected patients with Serious stages COPD to improve functions of lungs and to reduce . Operational interventions on reduction of volume of the respiratory Lung surfaces (LVRS) to reduce giper - ventilation, Can help to improve respiratory function of muscles, elasticity of a lung and Indicators of norm of a stream of exhaled air. It is besides shown Improvement QoL and other indicators of life-support. Results Researches of National community of the USA on the Emphysema have shown that Survival of patients with an emphysema prevailing in the top shares of lungs, Increases, and survival rate more low after LVRS at primary localisation of an emphysema in the bottom shares even in comparison with optimum conservative treatment. Transplantation of a lung among specially selected patients with very late stages COPD can improve functional abilities of body and QoL Patients though the prize on survival terms is for the present doubtful.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

) Chronic Productive Cough Typical Frequent Aggravations Of A

) Chronic productive cough Typical Frequent aggravations of a bronchitis Progressing short wind Presence of risk factors Variability of symptoms Can vary in different days Usually peak of infringements within night and the period of early morning Gravity of signs progresses slowly Deterioration is is more often connected and more brightly shown at early stages of illness, against physical activity and during the rest periods. The general accompanying conditions , and skin signs Bronchial illness of a gullet of Artrozo - arthritises Diabetes The case record and lives Family history on an asthma and fevers Noisy breath, rattle, cough, difficulties of breath and a thorax Illnesses of respiratory organs in the childhood, including a bronchitis History of a tobacco smoking and Secondary inhalation of a tobacco smoke, influence of professional factors / , environmental contaminations or a smoke from house devices and Kitchens Restriction of Streams of air at breath In the beginning astable and reversible indicators, become in due course less reversible with process synchronisation It is not enough (to 15 %) reversible, more often constant and progressing Anatomic changes Only air lines of bronchial tubes Air lines of bronchial tubes and lungs Given FEV1 © 80 % with the maximum variations PEF (™ 15 %) Increase PEF ™ 15 % after reception FEV1/FVC <0.

At Auscultation By A Stethoscope Can To Appear

At auscultation by a stethoscope can To appear easing of sounds of breath over this area, in the same place can To change a timbre a sound. (Pleurisy) Pneumonia (Pneumonia) Bacterial and virus infection of a lung Is called as a pneumonia, at which site inflammation The liquid exit in a pleural cavity in limits can cause pleurae Shares. Thus the pneumonia is represented typical signs of an infection: a fever; ; cough; a short wind and unilateral pains at breath height. (or ) a thorax SUPPLEMENT the diagnosis, Though the typical image of a pneumonia sometimes lags behind the clinical Results for one or two days! In addition can be used Blood tests to estimate weight of disease and its forecast. a pulmonary artery The clot of blood which is moving ahead to a lung for The fatal result can have the patient. Therefore one of the most serious Diagnoses which should be considered always by the doctor at pains in Breasts - a pulmonary artery (). Classical idea is had about displays pulmonary , pleural pains thus + fainting (syncope), character of a short wind (+ anxiety), cough with (coughing up blood =hemoptysis) bloody sputum.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Syndrome Of Alveolar Hypoventilation At Persons With Obstructive

Syndrome of alveolar hypoventilation at persons with Obstructive diseases of lungs (COPD) usually does not develop, if The forced volume for 1 (=FEV1.0) not less than 1 litre (or not less 35 % from due). The breath centres Densely and strongly regulate conditions of ventilation of lungs. Alveolar Ventilation (V) is under the constant control of the respiratory centres, Which are located in lateral departments of the top part of a spinal cord and parts of a trunk of a brain. The control of ventilation of lungs has Metabolic and nejro - components. Metabolic The component of fabrics receives chemical and nervous stimulus from the chest Walls and a lung depending on level 2 and 2. At a metabolism quickly there is an accumulation Considerable quantity of coal acid (carbonaceous = 2) in Body fabrics. The metabolism of fats and carbohydrates conducts to formation most Considerable quantity 2, which at connection with water of fabrics Forms coal acid (H2CO3). Lungs a changeable share 2 Through ventilation and consequently constant decrease pH () Fabrics does not occur.