Friday, November 16, 2007

After Specifications Of Complaints And Careful Estimation Of

After Specifications of complaints and careful estimation of the anamnesis, including risk factors, In the presence of basic symptoms conduct additional researches of an electrocardiogram And blood analyses. (electrocardiograms). Additional researches, for example level Warm and other tests are spent depending on history Illnesses of the patient: Stress tests; Echocardiography; Computerized cardiac angiography CT scan Coronary catheterization is more detailed than sm - Angina Heart Attack Chest pains at Heart is included in leaves. Precisely As well as at a pleurisy, pericardium leaves can undergo To inflammation and to cause a pain. This pain is more often felt as sharp because of The signs of an inflammation of leaves of a pericardium rubbing about an external surface Cardiac muscle. The most frequent reason is connected or With virus disease or it is unknown (). Inflammatory The illness nature ( an arthritis rheumatoid arthritis, system red ), nephritic insufficiency kidney failure And cancer process - conditions which can cause .

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Heterozygotic Mutations Within BMPR2 Have Been Identified In

Heterozygotic mutations within BMPR2 have been identified in Family the LOG and in sporadic cases also could be connected with TGF-Ѓ A gene. the LOG involves usually three main things The factor which bring the contribution to narrowing of a pulmonary artery. The first factor -vzokonstriktsija, resulting a disbalance and instability Between factors and in the pulmonary Blood circulation. Smooth muscles of vessels of a small circle and Quickly increases the sizes of cages and all it comes to an end Vascular channel. The second factor - balance infringement Curtailing-anticurtailing system which comes to an end the plural Intravascular thromboses also leads to increase PVR. The third factor - parity reduction to by the reduced manufacture nitrogen that brings the contribution in dysfunction. Thromboses Can be secondary in relation to changes , but Increase abilities, dysfunctions and Infringements at the LOG are accelerated by development of complications. It is necessary to remember that The laboratory estimation of a condition of the patient usually includes full the general The blood analysis, time, partial time, Hepatic tests and developed collagen and vascular Illnesses.

At Defeat Pleurae Pains Usually Do Not Carry

At defeat pleurae Pains usually do not carry an acuity and appear more poured. ( Illustration sm) In typical cases at occurrence pains in a thorax at the patient it is marked frequent Superficial breath, restriction of mobility of a bottom edge of a lung on To the defeat party. Quite often at an inflammation of leaves of a pleura it is possible To listen localised or poured (in departments) to noise Pleura friction. The last speaks that in departments Lungs respiratory excursion the greatest. Usually noise of a friction of a pleura Rough, as though scraping, it is listened throughout all Respiratory cycle, and its greatest sounding is shown in the end of a breath - The exhalation beginning. PLEURISY. The pleura inflammation is a consequence Many pulmonary and out of pulmonary diseases, including a pneumonia, Tuberculosis, heart attack of a lung, new growth. Pleural pains at Absence any and radiological signs Pleura defeats can be observed at the so-called epidemic (illness of Boriholma), at other inflammatory Diseases of a pleura of a virus origin, at patients with the system Diseases (in particular, at system red ).

Monday, November 12, 2007

From Calculations Follows That For Days The Person

From calculations Follows that for days the person inhales not less than 100 a dust consisting from Bacteria, the rests of insects, dry excrements of the person, animals etc. If the nature has not given to the person of the protective mechanism ( a road clearance) At such receipt of a dust in an organism, a life it would be impossible, and The weight of a body would increase daily on 100 - 150 gramme. A structure and systems of protection of the bronho-pulmonary device in to system It has developed and improved as multilevel system of protection from Many factors of an environment: mechanical clearing (nasal courses, Sine, Valdeerovo a ring , mucous tracheas and bronchial tubes). Waldeyer'a () a ring (illustration sm) - system Lymphatic glands and formations on an entrance aperture drinks (= a pharynx), Which protects and protects from penetration of external infections. Special attention, at survey of patients, especially with a pathology of bronchial tubes, I consider necessary to turn on degree of narrowing of a pharynx (illustration sm) and Nose bosoms.

- The Tests Noted With (++) It Is

- the Tests noted with (++) it is possible to jump over additional Test, if abnormality is not suspected. Reduced or asymmetric diaphragmatic excursion can specify a paralysis or emphysema. Has affected that "peak metre of a stream to an asthma, As the thermometer to a fever. "The peak sizes (measurements) of a stream Are used to measure gravity of attacks of an asthma and a trace Illness through any time. Ideally new readings are compared to a stream The patient "personal is better." It is less than reading than 80 % of "best" Can specify requirement for additional therapy. It is less than reading than 50 % can specify an emergency situation. Increased fremitus specifies a liquid in Lung. Reduced fremitus specifies sound (normal) transfer, Complicated by chronic interfering pulmonary illness (COPD), Liquid out of a lung (pleural outpouring), air out of a lung (pneumothorax), etc. #Whispered Pectoriloquy the rights there with borborygmi in The list of doctor Rat of favourite medical terms (terms).

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dream And Awakening Stages Are Traced () And

Dream and awakening stages are traced () and (EOG), that To define movement of eyes. For an estimation of a tone of muscles record is provided (EMG). Record EOG and EMG facilitate definition REM Stages of a dream which is connected with the reduced tone of muscles and the increased risk of occurrence of pathological attacks . Respiratory efforts of patients and other indicators are registered with Use of devices of type of the computer. Including in the complete set for devices for record enter during a dream of changes The sizes of a stomach and movements of a chest wall. These devices include Templates of pressure, the device of measurement of an impedance, single strips for Records EMG and air cylinders with the inductive for a breath estimation. Obtained during a dream of the patient the data on To distribution of stages of a dream, frequency of awakening, and can To be described in standard criteria (sm terms and specifications). The central and obstructive types can be differentiated on The basis of objective registration .