Friday, April 3, 2009

Now The New Are Developed Classifications, Approaches And

Now the new are developed Classifications, approaches and recommendations according to the conditions named As a syndrome of respiratory insufficiency. Classifications , , stress, and Are developed taking into account ecological factors in development of various kinds External and internal forms and . For the first time in Classification positive sides of physiological action are brought also Moderate forms and . It is shown that can To meet in various physiological conditions of an organism such as The pre-natal period of development of an embryo, at a heavy physical activity, Excessive loadings at sportsmen, at an inadequate blood-groove in To cardiac muscle, at persons of advanced age, etc. The same it is possible to tell rather and in conditions reduced pressure of oxygen in External air: the big height in mountains and by the plane; the insufficient Ventilation of lungs; the serious form of an anaemia; the voluntary Hyperventilation; a number of neurologic diseases (for example, insufficiency, an infection, a trauma, a tumour, etc.

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