Saturday, March 1, 2008

To Measurement Of Intensity Of A Pain At

To measurement of intensity of a pain at various diseases and conditions The large quantity of publications is devoted. Exist also Various scales of measurement of qualities and even quantity of pains (dol) Almost two decades have passed as The international Society of the Headache has presented International Headache classification (ICHD). Headache Classification Committee of the International HeadacheSociety. Cephalalgia 1988; 8 (suppl 7):1-96. Applicability This scheme of classification in urgent medicine has not been estimated yet in To due measure. The first step to identification of role ICHD in practice it is possible To consider allocation of two kinds of a headache: the Primary headache, Classified as a migraine and the secondary headache connected with Physical pressure, chewing muscles, the chronic daily Headache. There is a variant of a primary headache and not giving in to classification. The detailed structured research of the nature Headache in system ICHD and -10 also has ended with the incomplete Division in classification.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

All Data And The Illustrations Resulted In The

All data and the illustrations resulted in the book, Are taken from open sources and are resulted on a source language (sm The reference Internet). Book registration in electronic format PDF on To "Samizdat" basis it is connected by that expenses for printing house exceed My incomes and possibilities. And, then, the Internet of the version of books become all More popular and easily extend. Copying of materials of the book and illustrations without the written permission of the author is protected by terrible spells and damage prompting. On October, 24th, 2007 (New Orleans) - in the Center of the Control and prevention of Illnesses (CDC) Have shown strong association between mental illnesses and chronic Physical diseases, and as their strong communication with risk factors. Researchers led by T Strine (the epidemiologist in CDC From Atlanta) inform on essential correlative communications between Depression and various anxieties with chronic illnesses of type Bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, also As adverse bad habits of type of a sedentary life, Smoking or a divergence which are risk factors for Many illnesses of the person.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

In Relative Contra-indications For Include: * An Unknown

In relative contra-indications for include: * an unknown origin; ; * astable ; * a myocardium heart attack (to 3 Months); * chest and belly departments of an aorta; * Brain arteries; * surgical operation in the face of; * Surgical interventions on a belly or chest cavity; and * with presence syncope, connected with or sharp Exhalation. Interpretation Interpretation Results should begin with an estimation of quality of the test in The whole. Refusal of the patient or wrong execution of instructions and Calibrations at record of elements of the test, and as not performance Standards, can end with unreliable or false results (see Media File 1). The American Chest Society (ATS) so Defines the comprehensible standard on the basis of an estimation of efforts Exhalation: - Minimum quantity of fluctuations in the beginning The forced compulsory exhalation (the extrapolated volume (EV) + / - 5 % from FVC or, approximately, 0.15 L. - There are no signs of cough on the first second of a compulsory exhalation.