Friday, February 20, 2009

This Indicator Allows To Estimate An Effective Alveolar

This indicator Allows to estimate an effective alveolar exchange of oxygen and Carbonic gas with the external air environment. 5. Gases blood (the arterial!). Kislotno-alkaline balance and alveoljarno-arterial gradient on To oxygen can be calculated as And - (a gradient in room air) Can be estimated approximately as (150 - pCO2*1.25) - arterial pO2. This gradient And should be less than 9 for age of the patient of 20 years, And for age of 80 years - less than 24. Features of pains in a thorax at diseases of respiratory organs Sources of a pain of a breast Pain sources can appear in various places and result of the various reasons: - In thorax walls, including edges, muscles, nervous fibres and a skin; - In a back part of a thorax, including a backbone, nerves and back muscles; - In lungs, a pleura or a trachea; - An aorta and heart, including a pericardium; - A gullet, a diaphragm with its flat muscles and which separate a chest cavity from the belly; - Reflected and pains from many bodies of type of a stomach, a bilious bubble and a pancreas.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Correct And Sufficient Research Patients Supplements The Basic

Correct and sufficient research Patients supplements the basic signs and allows to spend more precisely The differential diagnosis. The chest pain can be initial, primary The complaint and, often, demands detailed research not only chest Cages, but also all organism. Features , for example, with a chest pain syndrome can include researches of patients: Measurement of arterial pressure (BP), frequencies Pulse (PR), frequencies of breath (RR), a body temperature and blood oxygenation Oxygen (O2), etc. At research of a head and a neck allocate: * arteries and head veins * veins of a neck or their swelling, * carotids and bulbs of carotids on presence of noise. a thorax (palpation) At any are identified Anatomic deviations or uglinesses. Symmetry and mutual is estimated Arrangement a thorax. Smoothness of movements the chest Cages, presence or zones of the changed sensitivity, etc. (tactile fremitus ++ 05) a thorax It is necessary to remember that for effective Thorax various technicians are applied.

However, Often Use Of These Preparations Already Is

However, often Use of these preparations already is represented disputable because of good Documentary adverse reactions. Therefore now (theophyllin) are considered as choice preparations The third line after inhalation beta2-adrenergicheskih receptors of antagonists and agents Because of frequency, gravity and types of adverse reactions and them The limited clinical efficiency. Fears concerning the scheme Treatments are connected with its small therapeutic window and The wide range, the toxic effects connected with a toxic dose. The collateral reactions connected with treatment , include Possible fatal and forms , spasms and Convulsions, headaches, a sleeplessness, a nausea and, often, a heartburn. Combinations at treatment . Treatment with application of various means, including with application beta2 - receptors of antagonists, preparations and-or have shown that It is always more preferable to combination to provide Additional improvement of functions of lungs and the general status of health Patients with COPD in comparison with therapy with a unique preparation.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

, Including Cough "Tea Taste" At . Allocate Also

, including cough "Tea taste" at . Allocate also cough sharp and Chronic (after 3 weeks sharp). Cough can be dry and with Branch . Besides in the various can be included Components - purulent, fibrinous clots or blood elements. I result one of the elementary algorithms of diagnostics of the nature of cough SYMPTOMS DIAGNOSES The help and consultations 1. How cough for a long time has begun? More 3 weeks ago? YES Pass to Go to 12. ** NO 2. How looks at cough - pink, foamy? YES Plentiful foamy pink colour m. At a sharp hypostasis of lungs. YES Immediate hospitalisation on . NO 3. Cough is accompanied transparent or faintly yellow, ? YES To thicket meets at virus infections COLD or FLU. YES Hospitalisation in infectious branch NO 4. has brown, green or other colour? YES Infection of type CHRONIC BRONCHITIS or, at a fever - a pneumonia. YES Additional inspection (, auscultation, ) NO 5. Cough strengthens a short wind and rattles on an exhalation? YES Often at ASTHMA or obstructions of respiratory ways.