Wednesday, April 1, 2009

At Auscultation By A Stethoscope Can To Appear

At auscultation by a stethoscope can To appear easing of sounds of breath over this area, in the same place can To change a timbre a sound. (Pleurisy) Pneumonia (Pneumonia) Bacterial and virus infection of a lung Is called as a pneumonia, at which site inflammation The liquid exit in a pleural cavity in limits can cause pleurae Shares. Thus the pneumonia is represented typical signs of an infection: a fever; ; cough; a short wind and unilateral pains at breath height. (or ) a thorax SUPPLEMENT the diagnosis, Though the typical image of a pneumonia sometimes lags behind the clinical Results for one or two days! In addition can be used Blood tests to estimate weight of disease and its forecast. a pulmonary artery The clot of blood which is moving ahead to a lung for The fatal result can have the patient. Therefore one of the most serious Diagnoses which should be considered always by the doctor at pains in Breasts - a pulmonary artery (). Classical idea is had about displays pulmonary , pleural pains thus + fainting (syncope), character of a short wind (+ anxiety), cough with (coughing up blood =hemoptysis) bloody sputum.

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