Tuesday, May 8, 2007

In The Presence Of Bone Defect In Area

In the presence of bone defect in area Lateral walls bosoms its mucous membrane can To adjoin to a firm cover of a brain with area a sine, an optic nerve, an internal carotid. Clinically developmental anomalies are not shown, however at an inflammation of bosoms Nose they not seldom can promote development in orbital and Intracranial complications. A number of scientists considers that some functional Properties of a nose have been lost also it it is possible to consider as one of The big evolutionary losses of the person. In particular department of the olfactory Systems (known just as Yakobson's body or ) responsible Recognition in due course has been reduced. And in the social Behaviour, for example, animals play a dominating role. From them With the help of a female involve males, and gentlemen mark Territory under control to them. Thus it is known that the majority of emotions It is always accompanied by emission - fear, a rage, The pacification, passion, etc. the Person as is necessary on more Verbal and visual components of social dialogue, therefore role Recognitions in the absence of Yakobson's body it is shown to To minimum.

Monday, May 7, 2007

At Survey Of A Partition Of A Nose

At survey of a partition of a nose not seldom reveal Congenital anatomic defects, - nasal uglinesses. For example, defects ("plowshare") - not connection with a flat bone, which Forms the bottom and following part of a nasal partition, are Frequent enough. Research of walls and nasal bowls. Mucous The bottom, average bowl and the middle of a nasal course should be pink, Not damaged, smooth and damp. If a visible pulsation of the nasal Arteries in in a mucous partition of a nose it is increased - probably in chest Aorta department is available an aneurysm (sign Bozzolo'). It is necessary to turn Attention to any weights and any deviations from a normal kind, type Red, pale, or - grey colour, flabby, dry with Cracks, crusts, , a hypostasis, polyps, ulcers, Watery separated, etc. The polyps often meeting in nasal courses, Can be an allergy sign. Thus it is necessary to consider Sensitivity of the patient to aspirin, not seldom such patients also Have signs of a bronchial asthma. Presence of purulent slime assumes Infection of the top respiratory ways or sinusitis.