Saturday, December 27, 2008

All These Changes Result To Creation Of A

All these changes result To creation of a trap and progressing restriction of a stream of air. Thus, changes, Which occur at patients with COPD, include hyperproduction of slime, Dysfunction bronchial tubes, restriction of streams of air, Pulmonary hyperventilation, defective exchange gas and pulmonary Hypertension and signs of pulmonary heart. With progressing COPD, proceeding Pathological changes cause artful, a little appreciable symptoms and Syndromes which testify to clinical course deterioration. Under hyperventilation Process, when air which has entered into lungs after each is understood Breath, because of infringements of ventilation and volumes, still completely it is not removed Exhalation. That is air is inhaled each time before occurs Full exhalation. At patients with COPD Exhalation time is always increased in connection with the phenomena of hyperventilation and Hypoventilation of alveoluses. Consider that hyperventilation - hypoventilation Is the central mechanism COPD.

Friday, December 26, 2008

It Is Recommended To Add Approximately Two Minutes

It is recommended to add approximately two minutes in a week to reach The purposes - 10-15 minutes 3 times weekly. Installation for hands It is necessary to begin at level convenient for the patient. Patients can To begin trainings from 10-15 repetitions of each exercise. It is possible to add additional 200 gramme of loading each 2-3 weeks, If the patient adapts for the previous loading. THE MAINTENANCE Introduction 1. The short review of anatomy and functions of bronho-pulmonary system 2. Ways of revealing of syndromes of diseases of bronho-pulmonary system * Complaints of patients and feature of the questionnaire of quality of a life * Cough and its versions * Features of pains in a thorax at diseases of respiratory organs * Short wind and its kinds * History of disease, life and hereditary factors 3. Fizikalnye researches and clips on this theme * Research of the patient (a head; ears; Nose; nose bosoms; a throat; smells of the person; a neck; the chest Cage; etc.) * Fizikalnoe research of an air line, lungs and a diaphragm * () nose bosoms 4.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If Pressure Which Develops At Air Giving Through

If pressure which develops At air giving through a nasal course it is transferred in a middle ear, The Eustachian tube is passed. Thus the doctor should turn the special Attention to any form or occurrence of dizziness, which Could be connected with presence of a chronic internal infection of an ear Or to be caused fistula presence in the horizontal semicircular channel Ear. Reception of Valsalva (Valsalva aneuver). Reception it is carried out at survey membranes of the patient, Which thus deeply inhales and closes a mouth. It or it Simultaneously densely holds a nose and does attempt to exhale. Movements ear membranes in a step with exhalation attempts testify about Passableness of the Eustachian tube. Estimation of possible false sounds When the patient complains of extraneous sounds, To check up it it is possible by means of following actions: For example, unusual The pulsing sound can be connected with occurrence of a fistula or aneurysms With involving of arteries (more often sleepy).

Monday, December 22, 2008

=: ( + ) 100 %, Where -

=: ( + ) 100 %, where - is true-negative results, - is false positive results of Ds in percentage and the above the percent also is expressed, the the sign is more specific. Diagnostic efficiency can be calculated as follows: J = ( + ): ( + + + ) 100 % Probability that any result (a sign, The symptom) can be recognised by norm or a pathology depends on three The reasons: 1) from the chosen value of norm; 2) from a relative proportion Two populations of the people for example healthy and sick (disease + Morbidity of the population); 3) from degree of "overlapping" of an indicator - Imposings of fields of an arrangement of three a standard deviation. In some cases the forecast indicator is considered also - value (): = : ( + ) 100 % It is possible to estimate (about) percent of interrelation with treatment, influence of any factor: Interrelation of signs = ( ) - ( ): ( ) + ( ). But it is a special problem and to discuss it it is possible only after careful studying of statistics. http://www.

1990. Page 241. Strained (= ) Arises At

1990. page 241. Strained (= ) arises At progressive accumulation of air in a cavity and at , Which leads to increase pressure with a compression systems . It can cause Menacing lives of a condition which demands high level of the clinical The help and immediate intervention. Signs of necessity of the immediate help at : (1) Accruing SHORT WIND and . (2) Blown up, intense veins of a neck, tachycardia, Hypotension, the unconsciousness and-or a stop of the warm is frequent Activity. (3) Deviation of a trachea towards a healthy lung. (4) Perkutorno a hyperresonance (= a box sound) over area . (5) Reduced or absent sounds of breath over a zone . (6) Roentgenogram of a thorax reveals with a deviation structures. More in detail sm-Wyatt JP, Illingworth RN, et al. Oxford Handbook of Accident and Emergency Medicine. Oxford University Press. 1999. page 346. * Rules in clips and the basic indicators of diseases under the analysis of a pleural liquid Syndrome of a congestion of a liquid in a pleural cavity (=, =).

- The Yellowish Shade Of A Skin And

- The yellowish shade of a skin and assumes Diseases of a liver and ways (yellowness arises At concentration of bilirubin in whey of blood about 40-50 microns/l that It is twice more than norm); - Vascular asterisks - indirect signs Liver diseases. Vascular asterisks can sometimes appear on To skin of the top part of a thorax in second half Pregnancy (usually disappear further in some hours after Sorts). Vascular asterisks appear also at women in The climacteric period of a life. Occurrence of vascular asterisks is possible At it is long the remaining raised warm emission of blood from Left hearts at an arterial hypertensia. Zhilbera-Ano a symptom (N.A.Gilbert, 1858-1927; V.Ch. Hanot 1844-1896), - presence small forms on a face skin and trunks at Chronic illnesses of a liver. - Vascular small hypodermic vessels on the person is called . - K, the sanguineous, bloated person often testifies to an alcoholism, , a syndrome of Kushinga. - Illness of Parkinsona - . The inactive person, a rare blinking; -- Turner's syndrome - a century, the small bottom jaw, low located ears, folds on a neck, deafness.