Saturday, September 27, 2008

2. Formation Of Patients: It Is Necessary To

2. Formation of patients: It is necessary To recommend to patients corresponding skills of self-checking, management Current and asthma aggravations. Thus a written plan of action at For asthma it is necessary for each patient. This plan should include Instructions for daily treatment also as strategy for detection And managements of an aggravation of asthma attacks. Unlike the previous recommendations and principles, EPR-3 Underlines necessity of strengthening and achievement of possibilities out of Medical institution of training and training of patients on the new Program points. These points include drugstores, schools, public The centres and special houses of patients. 3. The control of factors of environment and other starting mechanisms of development of attacks of an asthma: Measures of isolation for restriction of influence of an allergy and other trigger Mechanisms of development of an asthma in practice seldom happen sufficient for The concrete patient so rules EPR-3 consider for Uses of a combination from several strategy.

- Vials Round A Lip Assume A Herpes.

- Vials round a lip assume a herpes. - Petehii on lips help to notice infringements of system of curling sometimes. - The painless long ulcer on a lower lip assumes a lip cancer. - Firm formation on a lower lip assumes . - Otechnaja with the changed colour an upper lip often Testifies about a hypostasis. top and bottom Lips with a hemorrhage sometimes assume Stephen's syndrome - Johnson. -- The pale skin round a mouth and a fever demands a scarlet fever exception (a sign of Filatova) from the patient. Estimation of a mucous mouth Lips, gums, a teeth, the mouth sky, language and a drink usually looks round with the lighter. (pharynx). For this research are necessary bright light and . In the beginning Attentively examine colour mucous a mouth which is one of The most sensitive places for hyperpigmentation occurrence. For example, Brown stains on mucous a mouth assume illness of Addisona. Pay attention to that the Afro-Americans sometimes have the brown Stains on a cheek against molars.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Htm Blood Vessels. Type Hypodermic Vascular Network On Hands,

htm Blood vessels. type Hypodermic vascular network on hands, feet and a trunk. In addition to It is desirable for estimation of a condition of the patient to estimate its mental faculties , Memory state and emotional level. Further I result more detailed description of sequence of objective inspection. 2.9.0 Survey and heads and necks . the impression about the patient is designated by the term: HABITUS (armour) - Appearance, appearance. A constitution, a bearing, colour of a skin, expression Persons, eyes and . The signs, allowing to assume a condition Health of the patient and / either predispositions to what or to diseases (Adiposity, , and ).: HABITUS MITRALIS - Low growth, a flush on cheeks, lips, a nose tip , Lobes of the ears, the expressed pallor of a skin of a forehead, a triangle And the raised humidity of a skin of brushes of hands. HABITUS PHTHYSICUS - Asthenic or slender constitution, thin skin, gentle Flush on the cheeks, is bluish - shining , expressed In axillary hollows.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

) At Research Of Streams Of Air As One

) At research of streams of air as one of the major functions of lungs should consider 1. The maximum forced volume of an exhalation for 1 second (FEV1) which should be repeated three times in 2-3 minutes. 2. To estimate lung volumes, the core from Which is (= TLC), thus if TLC <80 % follows To consider the reasons diseases of lungs. And at TLC> 120 % - presence of the diseases leading to an emphysema. Increase RV (Residual volume) and increase in parity RV/TLC mean Obstructive conditions. 3. An estimation of streams of air of type a loop-volume (analogue 1 = FEV1) Graphic record of simultaneously received Lung volume for the first second of the forced exhalation can be It is useful to full representation about a condition of pulmonary function, but Most precisely this indicator reflects a condition of obstruction of the top Respiratory ways. 4. Diffuzionnaja function of lungs. The condition of this function depends on qualities alveolar and capillary Surfaces of membranes, and as from a condition blood and Conditions of blood circulation limits of a small circle.