Friday, October 24, 2008

G., At A Stenosis Of The Top Respiratory Ways).

g., at a stenosis of the top respiratory ways). Short wind pulmonary (d. pulmonalis), caused Pulmonary obstructive, or the respiratory Insufficiency. Short wind reflex (d. reflectoria)., Caused by reflex influence on the respiratory centre, e.g. at Pleura damages. Short wind warm (d. caidialis), caused The warm insufficiency leading to stagnation of blood in lungs, To decrease in elasticity of a pulmonary fabric and its reduction of the respiratory Surfaces. Short wind mixed (d. mixta) in the form of difficulty of a breath and an exhalation. Short wind thermal (d. thermica), arising at Organism overheating in quality the increase mechanism . Short wind central (d. Centralis); . Cerebral, - caused by infringements of activity respiratory The centre, e.g. At poisonings with some poisons. Short wind (d. Exspiratoria) - difficulties of an exhalation (e.g., at a bronchial asthma). 2.3.3 Gastroenteric system (section 5 in detail see) and the book GASTROENTEROLOGY 2007! 2.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time Out Of Chest Barriers, As A Rule,

Time out of chest barriers, as a rule, show reduction of streams of air on a breath During the forced breaths with preservation Exhalation streams. A principal cause of the reduced stream during a breath - Narrowing of a gleam of an air line secondary to a stream of air pressure, Exceeding pressure during a breath. The reasons of the such Type of infringements are usually unilateral and bilateral paralysis Vocal chords, throat compression, a hypostasis of a throat, a condition a dream and Other The top types of obstruction for an air line on , as a rule, show a plateau on a stream curve in Current of all forced breath and exhalation. The reasons in Such cases there are craws, inside new growths or Slime congestions, a stenosis of the main bronchial tubes, a post Damages, a post damages and complications. Cardiopulmonary Stress Testing It is necessary to remember that it is almost always necessary Condition estimation the top respiratory ways at all Patients, but especially at not corpulent adult persons with signs a dream (OSAHS).