Saturday, December 15, 2007

In The Presence Of Bone Defect In Area

In the presence of bone defect in area Lateral walls bosoms its mucous membrane can To adjoin to a firm cover of a brain with area a sine, an optic nerve, an internal carotid. Clinically developmental anomalies are not shown, however at an inflammation of bosoms Nose they not seldom can promote development in orbital and Intracranial complications. Diseases. Inflammatory diseases of bosoms of a nose: - Sinusitis (sinusitis) can be sharp and chronic. (The Antritis, Sfenoidit, Frontit, Etmoidit) see. Allergic diseases of bosoms Arise, as a rule, against an allergic rhinitis (the allergic , ). In a clinical picture prevail Rhinitis symptoms. (The Rhinitis, allergic) see. Pneumosine - a bosom stretching (more often Frontal) air, arising when any Formation (for example a polyp or a mucous membrane) In a mouth plays a role of the valve passing air only in Bosom. In some cases the pneumosine can be caused atypically Proceeding at children's age a frontal bosom. Clinically The pneumosine can be shown by local morbidity in area Defeats, - bosom increase.

) At Research Of Streams Of Air As One

) At research of streams of air as one of the major functions of lungs should consider 1. The maximum forced volume of an exhalation for 1 second (FEV1) which should be repeated three times in 2-3 minutes. 2. To estimate lung volumes, the core from Which is (= TLC), thus if TLC <80 % follows To consider the reasons diseases of lungs. And at TLC> 120 % - presence of the diseases leading to an emphysema. Increase RV (Residual volume) and increase in parity RV/TLC mean Obstructive conditions. 3. An estimation of streams of air of type a loop-volume (analogue 1 = FEV1) Graphic record of simultaneously received Lung volume for the first second of the forced exhalation can be It is useful to full representation about a condition of pulmonary function, but Most precisely this indicator reflects a condition of obstruction of the top Respiratory ways. 4. Diffuzionnaja function of lungs. The condition of this function depends on qualities alveolar and capillary Surfaces of membranes, and as from a condition blood and Conditions of blood circulation limits of a small circle.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Pulmonary Pressure Upon An Exhalation And A Breath

Pulmonary pressure upon an exhalation and a breath Always lower at patients with fatness and hypoventilating Syndrome. Fatness considerably increases work of breath and manufacture because of the reduced interface of work of walls of a thorax And respiratory muscles. Excessive inquiries on oxygen from Respiratory muscles conducts to increase in efforts of breath and can To provoke and show others, connected with breath and warm Activity, illnesses. Despite the aforementioned physiological Infringements, the most important factor in development of a syndrome of hypoventilation at Fatness, possibly. Defect of the central mechanisms of interface in To respiratory control system of biomechanics. It is shown that at the such Patients speed of the answer to inhalations 2, or both is reduced These the answer simultaneously. Defects and thorax deformations At patients with deformations and uglinesses the chest Walls hypoventilation develops again in relation to the reduced To interface of work of a thorax to the changed respiratory volumes Lungs.