Saturday, January 20, 2007

-Ginara The International Scheme). Following Kinds : Balloting, Sin.

-Ginara the international scheme). following kinds : balloting, sin. - - beginning hand movement; It is applied to balloting or fluctuation revealing. (the river bimanualis), made simultaneously both hands. deep (the river profunda), made with Pressing by hand fingers in depth of a palpated site of a body; It is applied at research of deeply located bodies. on Zhilberu - . - Zhilbera . methodical - . - It is exemplary - Strazhesko . on Obraztsovu - Strazhesko - . - It is exemplary - Strazhesko . (foto F5n) rough, sin.-palpatsija Sliding superficial, made unbent or slightly bent Fingers without essential pressure upon fabrics. getting (the river penetrans), - spent Pressing by a tip of one finger; it is applied usually for Definitions of painful points. x-ray, made at for degree definition investigated body, Localisations of painful points and their communication with investigated body. Estimation of a condition of the patient (consciousness, position in bed, outwardly - a condition of weight, etc.

Louder, Clearer Sounds Are Called Bronchophony. Whispered Pectoriloquy

Louder, clearer sounds are called bronchophony. Whispered Pectoriloquy Ask the patient to whisper "ninety-nine" several times. ++ Auscultate several symmetrical areas over each lung. You should hear only faint sounds or nothing at all. If you hear the sounds clearly this is referred to as whispered pectoriloquy. [9] Bronchophony Ask, that the patient told "ninety nine" some times a normal voice. ++ Listen some symmetric areas on each lung. Sounds which you hear, should be muffled and not clear. More loudly, clearer sounds are called bronchophony. Let's whisper Pectoriloquy Ask, that the patient whispered "ninety nine" to several times. ++ Listen some symmetric areas on each lung. You should hear only weak sounds or anything In general. If you hear sounds, it is clear is mentioned as whispered pectoriloquy. [9] Egophony Ask the patient to say "ee" continuously. ++ Auscultate several symmetrical areas over each lung. You should hear a muffled "ee" sound. If you hear an "ay" sound this is referred to as "E-> A" or egophony.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Following Step Of Survey Of An Oral

The following step of survey of an oral cavity should To include an estimation of a condition drinks. Essential asymmetry of handles assumes possible an abscess or an abscess. The reduced area of an input in a drink (especially in the horizontal Planes) are assumed by predisposition to sleepy . White Islets on walls drinks which bleed at a contact and clearing, Assume an infection. Presence obvious Assumes a bacterial infection. Darkly red colour on the bottom Sites of handles and a back wall of a throat assumes presence Syphilis (sign Biederman'). Uvula. And, at last, check up a uvula. Turn Attention that the eminence of a uvula in the presence of the patient is told by the acquaintance "A". The size of an entrance aperture in a drink is important The component defining development in patients of a syndrome of the sleepy . (Illustration sm) Asymmetry of a uvula often assumes Neurologic pathology or an abscess. Split The uvula allows to think about to a sky cleft. ё the red (Sign Stone') or a pulsation (sign Mueller') uvula Assumes at the patient possible insufficiency.

However, In The Presence Of Destructions Of Fabrics,

However, in the presence of destructions of fabrics, Connected with an emphysema, processes of regeneration of a fabric to the adequate form Are changed also balance of restoration of a pulmonary fabric it is broken. In the final The account, long superfluous a pulmonary fabric Comes to an end with development of an emphysema of lungs which is characterised Increase in alveoluses and structural damages . Additional sources and references on a theme - Atelectasis Pulmonary Edema ARDS Pulmonary Embolism Pulmonary Hypertension Emphysema Chronic Bronchitis Bronchial Asthma Bronchiectasis Pneumoconiosis Sarcoidosis Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Diffuse Pulmonary Hemorrhage Bacterial Pneumonia Interstitial Pneumonitis Lung Abscess Pulmonary Tuberculosis Bronchogenic Carcinoma Pneumothorax Mesothelioma Broken or bruised ribs; Costochondritis; Pleuritis or Pleurisy Pneumothorax; Shingles; Pneumonia; Pulmonary embolism Angina and heart attack; Pericarditis; Aorta and aortic dissection Esophagus and reflux esophagitis; Referred abdominal pain Patient Discussions: Chest Pain - Cause; Chest Pain At A Glance Fizikalnye researches of patients c a bronho-pulmonary pathology * Research of the patient (a head; ears; Nose; transillumination of bosoms of a nose; a throat; smells of the person; a neck; the chest Cage; etc.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Signs Of A Choice Of Patients For PR

Signs of a choice of patients for PR programs should include: * Presence of chronic disease of a lung - symptoms of a short wind, weariness and episodes of the panic connected with a short wind. * Adequate prompting to rehabilitation. * The exact diagnosis of chronic illness of lungs, including researches PFT within the last year. * Clinically steady phase of illness and it is as much as possible effective disease. * Simple and reliable way of transportation. Costs planning on rehabilitation is undesirable At persons and patients who have clinically astable condition (An uncontrollable hypertension or a hypotonia; with high deficiency Pulse; astable ; a diabetes; the serious Neurologic, orthopedic or mental infringements). Before designing of the program of rehabilitation, The estimation of a condition of the patient should include the case record, Research, , an electrocardiogram in rest and analyses of gases of blood or . The case record necessarily should include a frequency estimation And weights of illnesses of respiratory ways, including a pneumonia and episodes Strengthenings COPD.