Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Top Back Part Where Lungs Are Located,

The top back part where lungs are located, it is necessary On the right and at the left, and to use a stethoscope, that preliminary To listen to sounds at breath. Chest glands and axillary hollows. Chest glands of men (foto 5h) And women should be necessarily examined (after the special Permissions!). men and women are necessary for estimating and describing in Axillary hollows. During time when the patient sits, it is necessary to check up Preliminary volume of movements in hands, shoulders, a neck, and jaws, etc. After laying of the patient on a couch for research, it is necessary : A forward surface of a breast and lungs. The area can To be examined and fingers with use For character definition a sound and mobility of the pulmonary Edges. The Stethoscope is used to listen to breath sounds. (Photo sm) Heart-in the beginning are defined The sizes of a shade of heart and vascular bunch (sm further). a stethoscope Listen to tones and heart noise, its rhythm, sounds over the blood Vessels on a neck.

If You Suspect Bad Hygiene Of An Oral

If you suspect bad hygiene of an oral cavity as the reason Bad smell of breath, ask the patient to breathe through a nose with the closed Mouth. Estimation of a zone round a mouth. Cracks mucous and skin Or in a corner of lips assume possible an infection, Deficiencies of vitamins of group In not seldom connect, including with Constants . Vertical slot-hole breaks on a lower lip Assumes presence which can be caused including with Alcoholism, deficiency of vitamin 1, deficiency of iron, undereating and Illness the Crone. The congenital syphilis can cause formation of lines ( Wrinkles), proceeding from a mouth (=rhagades). Seldom, but at a syphilis can To arise and constant cracks of a skin, which periodically also proceed from mouth corners. More certain following changes are considered: - Red stains - the damages similar to colour of a cherry () assume syndrome Osler-Weber-Rendu. - Stains of type of freckles on lips offer syndrome Peutz-Jeghers. - Sine - violet hillocks on a border of lips assume .