Saturday, January 31, 2009

If The Answer Of The Patient Admits Inadequate

If the answer of the patient admits Inadequate or insufficiently fast, it is recommended additional Inhalation . Application possibility Preparations (theophylline and aminophylline) it can be considered also At serious aggravations COPD, though these preparations and such kind of treatment Remains now disputable. It is connected with cautions, Based on researches of adverse events at treatment preparations. Their use should be considered When shortly operating do not give the adequate answer. Treatment through a mouth or Intravenously in addition to other kinds of therapy it can be necessary, As it obviously reduces aggravation terms. Though advantages and benefit It is enough application of such preparations as extends Duration of treatment also does not improve essentially clinical Efficiency. Besides, such preparations can increase only Risk of complications. Application of antibiotics at an aggravation in current COPD It is shown at patients with obvious increase , presence purulent and increase in its volume.

); Pharmacological Factors And The Reasons: ; Nicotine; ;

); Pharmacological factors and the reasons: ; nicotine; ; ; the progesterone, etc. can be included In this list and Insufficiency of a liver; gramme-negative a sepsis; restoration After metabolic ; a syndrome of hyperventilation and many other things - Pulmonary illnesses: an extensive pneumonia; a pulmonary artery; Hypostasis of lungs and mechanical . If pO2 - <80 mm Hg, - Arterial distinction on oxygen is increased also therapy by oxygen not Corrects a situation-follows to specify suspicions about shunting (at Normal pCO2). pO2 - <80 mm Hg, - arterial Distinction of oxygen is increased also therapy by oxygen corrects a situation, Ventilation of the patient "does not correspond to a blood stream in lungs". The Ventilation index (IV) = the Ventilating index = (PaCO2 in mm Hg) * (frequency of breath in Minute) * (the maximum pressure of air upon a breath in cm H2O) / 1000 Interpretation: the above a ventilation index, the worse ventilation. The third degree of respiratory insufficiency It is characterised by occurrence clinical and obvious Signs of pulmonary heart.

Research Can Show A Moderate Condensation Of Blood,

Research can show a moderate condensation of blood, secondary in relation to . The thorax roentgenogram Radiological data not Always (and sometimes and badly) correlate with signs of an emphysema at patients With a chronic bronchitis. Usually in criteria of an emphysema include signs Hyperventilation, , diaphragms and Thickenings. The electrocardiogram Electrocardiogram signs at a bronchitis Can sometimes include instability and infringements Rhythm, type multicentral tachycardias, Fibrillations with signs "P" pulmonale. BUT the most qualitative for the diagnosis results For a chronic bronchitis give mucous bronchial tubes. A picture At histologic processing a mucous air line Includes cubic , , Signs of an inflammation mucous and a hypertrophy of smooth muscles on Level small (without bases) bronchial tubes. These changes it is possible To qualify as convincing pathological indicators of the chronic Bronchitis. Crops Role of crops at out of Hospital patients with a bronchitis remains limited, especially in Sharp and an illness phase, as cultures of bacteria in not Reflect precisely association of microorganisms in departments of bronchial tubes.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

If At Inspection Of The In A Fever

If at inspection of the in a fever patient, Showing complaints on pains in a thorax, on To the roentgenogram of bodies of a thorax it is revealed pulmonary Fabrics, it is necessary to assume the infectious nature of disease and, in Particulars a sharp bacterial pneumonia. A lung heart attack as a result branches of a pulmonary artery also it can be accompanied Pleurisy. In this case a characteristic clinical sign is . When in the presence of a pleurisy in lungs are absent ochagovo-infiltrativnye changes, it is necessary to assume a post primary Tuberculosis, an abscess, or primary Bacterial pleurisy. Pleural . As a result of a pathology Pleural leaves, and can arise and out of communication with actually Pleura diseases. Distinguish and Pleurisy. At a pleurisy it appears owing to permeability infringement pleurae at its inflammatory or tumoral defeat. Classical example of formation pleural at Pleural leaves stagnant warm insufficiency is. In Last case at the heart of formation pleural lies as Increase of a filtration (secretion) of a liquid a pleura Owing to a hypertensia in system capillaries, and its decrease Absorptions a pleura as a result of increase hydrostatic Pressure in pulmonary capillaries.