Saturday, January 27, 2007

An Estimation Of A Condition Of A Head

An estimation of a condition of a head not It is standardised and has no the certain report and Sequences. Each doctor examines and feels various parts Bodies depending on individual skills, abilities and experience. Further I offer such variant Survey, and at patients with assumed - a pulmonary pathology: Head. At survey usually scars, Stains, a rash, eminences and consolidations, zones of loss of hair and an atrophy and Other damages of a skin. Estimate as obverse asymmetry, hypostases and Involuntary movements of muscles. Further cautiously spend Frontal, parietal, occipital and other areas of a head for definition Painful zones or anatomic deviations. Ears. External structures should be examined, and internal are estimated with the help (otoscope). An estimation of a condition of ears (visual survey of an ear) 1. It is necessary to check up symmetry of both auricles. Examine both external ears and estimate the following: -- If top level of the right ear below level Pupil, consider possibility of a genetic pathology of type of a syndrome Down, etc.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Tactile Fremitus Ask The Patient To Say "ninety-nine"

Tactile Fremitus Ask the patient to say "ninety-nine" several times in a normal voice. ++ Palpate using the ball of your hand. You should feel the vibrations transmitted through the airways to the lung. Increased tactile fremitus suggests consolidation of the underlying lung tissues. [8] Voice transfer tests These tests only are used in the special Situations. This part of physical examination substantially was It is replaced by a X-ray of a breast (chest). All these tests become Wrong when lungs become filled with a liquid (mentioned As consolidation). Fremitus Ask, that the patient told "ninety nine" some times a normal voice. ++ Palpate use of a sphere of your hand. You should feel the fluctuations transferred through air lines to a lung. Increased fremitus offers consolidation of the basic fabrics of a lung. [8] Bronchophony Ask the patient to say "ninety-nine" several times in a normal voice. ++ Auscultate several symmetrical areas over each lung. The sounds you hear should be muffled and indistinct.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007; Abstract; Abstract; Abstract; Abstract; Abstract Biologists From Institute; Abstract; Abstract; Abstract; Abstract; Abstract Biologists from Institute of problems of ageing of the Tank (Buck Institute for Age Research), the USA, under the direction of Sajmona Melova (Simon Melov) have defined a set of biomarkers which help to define Real age of a human body. With the years the human Body and the person are exposed considerable quantitative and qualitative To changes. There is a set of classifications and approaches for the description Age changes of a body and the person at the person. For example, known Researcher Bayesian Offers the age qualifier of persons based on distinction Images of individuals. The kompjuternaja program carries out check Parametres of the person on the basis of an age progression. Experimental As results for program drawing up photos have served Using a database for pairs of images of persons which are used For passports 465 of individuals. These comparisons have shown that The ten years' gradation in an estimation and identification of the person allows To lower error size in definition of age of the person to 8.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Antibiotics Reduce Death Rate Patients And Volumes Purulent

Antibiotics reduce death rate Patients and volumes purulent . External support of ventilating indicators Can be applied only to patients with serious stages COPD and Sharp respiratory insufficiency that reduces frequency of aggravations and Death rate "in a hospital" also provides simplification of the menacing Condition signs. The algorithm of appointment of procedures is offered and Preparations at aggravations COPD. Though optimum duration Hospitalisation terms at an aggravation should be established more Precisely in the near future the subsequent researches and to estimations, while Recommend terms approximately 4-6 weeks. Syndrome of respiratory insufficiency Typical displays of one syndrome Respiratory insufficiency are usually rare in practice. It is more often observed Combination of several syndromes of different degree of expressiveness. For example, Bronchospasm syndrome + a syndrome of lyogochno-warm insufficiency + Syndrome of an emphysema of lungs. Thus, after inquiry, survey, , and the patient at each various Disease should the certain picture (feature set) will turn out, Corresponding to certain disease in the typical form.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Days); Without . Between Attacks <2 Times A

Days); without . Between attacks <2 times a month > = 80 % from the due; variations <20 % From obvious to average > = once a week, but <1 time a day Become frequent at . Activity and during a dream > 2 times a month > = 80 % from the due; . 20-30 % Average degree Daily with use of short action beta-2 agonist' Always at . The Certificate and during a dream > Once a week > 60 % <80 % from the due; variations> 30 % The heavy It is limited or impossible . Activity Often Often <= 60 % from the due; variations> 30 % Restrictions of application of classification: any The separate sign, the test i-or measurement cannot precisely classify Level of gravity of an asthma. * Criteria for definition of gravity of illness should be based on signs and changes of pulmonary function before the beginning of any therapy. * It is necessary to remember that with strengthening gravity of illness the current of attacks can change sharply and dramatically. Other clinical criteria for an estimation of gravity of a bronchial asthma.