Thursday, June 7, 2007

Considering Prospect And An Audience Of Readers, I

Considering prospect and an audience of readers, I I prefer to make out the books on the basis of popular and accessible Electronic formats not for ` the mass reader ", and in the help To exclusively doctors and students of medical institutions. Any The user, if necessary, can copy free of charge any section of the book and unpack it in a paper variant. All my books are free, but the postage (an envelope-1,5 of dollar, Mark - 2,5 dollars) and magnetic data carriers ( a card and Other) there is what that money. Order or download parts from mine Site- Introduction Increase in disease, morbidity and Death rates from a bronho-pulmonary pathology in the World it is connected with the big As quantity of factors, the main things from which are considered pollution Environment, atmospheres, ageing of the population and a tobacco smoking. Practical doctors yet have not realised to the full craftiness of the chronic Bronho-pulmonary diseases, and patients underestimate threat of the harmful Habits and a short wind accruing with the years.

This Is Swallowed Imperceptibly And Spontaneously Through Gullet

This is swallowed imperceptibly and spontaneously through Gullet in a gastroenteric path. Accumulation, superfluous manufacture and allocation occurs at: Excessive manufacture in connection with change of the air environment; Changed physical properties ; Change of quality mucous bronchial tubes; Imperfect carrying out of calculations of quantity . Unproductive cough is usually connected with Irritation of respiratory ways also can be mechanical, chemical, Temperature, inflammatory and other nature. Complications at cough arise and Can be connected with persistent cough, the paroxysms stimulating Vomiting; and dizzinesses; an exhaustion; crises of edges; Anguishes of muscles and sheaves; crises of vertebras; the head Pain; spleen ruptures; expansion of veins of a gullet; The phenomena of stress, etc. Diagnostic features of revealing of sharp and chronic cough Sharp or chronic The sharp: virus or ljaringo-traheo-bronchial and at inhalation of allergen or irritating substance. The chronic: a chronic bronchitis (cough With within 3 months in a year not less than 2th years), , a tuberculosis, , an asthma, etc.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

2.3 Consecutive Interrogation Of Complaints On Separate Bodies

2.3 Consecutive interrogation of complaints on separate bodies and systems. 2.3.0 General state of health (questionnaire sm). 2.3.1 warmly vascular system (section 4 more in detail see) At the complaint to weariness it is necessary to ask following specifying questions - * How long you feel tired? * the weariness appears Suddenly or gradually? * you feel tired all the day long or Only in the morning i-or in the evening? * you feel more tired at home Or on work? * your weariness decreases after rest? * when you Feel the least tired? Sinkopalnye conditions - * As Often you have a weakness? * that you do, when comes Weakness? * you ever fainted? * weakness occurs Suddenly? * in what position there is a weakness is more often? Whether * noticed You with what, for example, weakness is connected with a chest pain, irregular Heart rhythm, nausea, hunger, , or tolerance In finitenesses and ? Palpitation - * you have what Or heart troubles, drain when or palpitation, irregular Rhythm? * as irregular warm blows are long? * When you have noticed for the first time the irregular Warm rhythm? * you connect a chest pain with ? * As Long palpitation last? * on what warm blows are similar? * that you Do for a stop ? * Warm blows stop Suddenly or gradually? * you considered your pulse during episodes ? * you can tell on what the rhythm counted up by you is similar? * You noticed irregular warm blows at physical activity? * You tested , dizzinesses or headaches in connection with Your irregular a warm rhythm? * what medicines or means.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Better It Is Audible By The Breath End.

Better It is audible by the breath end. It is listened in an initial stage share Pneumonia or in to a tuberculosis phase, it is frequent at a heart attack Lung. Allocate "gentle" - a high-frequency tonality Short noise by duration 5-10 and "rough" the low Tonalities duration nearby 20 - 30 . There is also "late" , arising in second half of breath and Changing with change of position of a body. At change of a pose of the patient Localisation such varies also. The reason of occurrence of it Type is a hypostasis of a fabric of a lung - more often Initial stage of chronic warm insufficiency. "Early" arises Only in the beginning of a breath also it is typical for the earliest stages of the bronchial Asthmas, an asthmatic syndrome and a chronic bronchitis out of an aggravation. Sometimes it is possible to listen and at healthy faces in the first 2-3 Deep breath after long stay in horizontal position And transition in a vertical condition. To distinguish from rattles not simply. It is necessary to remember that the cores Distinctive signs are: 1) small bubbly rattles are audible in both phases Breath - on a breath and on an exhalation, and only in the middle and in The breath end; sonority and quantity of small bubbly rattles after Tussiculations vary, and does not change a timbre and intensity.