Thursday, June 12, 2008

-- Estimation Of Ability And Volume Of Movements

-- Estimation of ability and volume of movements of language Ability it is easy to concern with language of a tip of a nose Can specify in syndrome Ehlers-Danlos'a (sign Gorlin'a). Unintentional movements of language or twitching meet at and defeat (sign Castellani-Low). To check up presence trochees, ask the patient to put out language and To take it some seconds are equal. Language cannot smoothly be put forward Forward and to remain motionless at a trochee. If the patient is incapable Any way to put out language, - it is considered as bridle shortening Language, presence possible a mouth or, probably, a typhus (The Sterling sign - Okuniewski). At survey at patients with language can To make involuntary twitchings. At Language of the patient falls to lips that complicates (a sign Escherich') or can look unusual under the form (a sign Schultze'). It is important to examine space under language behind The bottom foreteeth. Not seldom first signs of tumours the oral Cavities come to light there.

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Patient Should Sit Directly And His Head

The patient Should sit directly and his head should be at level of eyes The researcher. -- Survey of appearance of a nose The nose of the person is generated like a triangle and consists of following elements: · The Bridge - the top part of a triangle. · A nose Tip - an external corner of a triangle. · Nose Wings - oval formations at the heart of a triangle. · Vestibjuli of a nose - expansions in each nasal course. · The Partition divides a nose cavity into 2 nasal courses. · The Lateral surface of external wings of a nose from both parties. In the beginning examine an external surface of a nose with All points of view. Usually the nose skin is not damaged and similar on colour Face skin. The surface of a skin at healthy faces should be smooth and The homogeneous. It is necessary to check up noso-lip folds on the possible Density changes, tourist's mountain and (carcinoma?). Increased the nose offers possible or (= and ). Hypostasis and deformation of the bridge of a nose, it is frequent with Bruises offers nose crisis (follows for Definitions of instability of a nasal cartilage).