Friday, June 6, 2008

2.8. The Headache Because Of The General Infectious Diseases;

2.8. The Headache because of the general infectious diseases; 1.2.9. A headache because of metabolic infringements; 1.2.10. A headache or pains in the field of the person in connection with infringement of function of cranial or obverse structures; 1.2.11. A neuralgia and the conditions connected with them. More in detail it is possible to look: Frequent conditions at Elderly patients are considered instability, , expressed Coordination and handwriting infringements. For example, age, synonyms and similar conditions: infringements of coordination of movements, 25-foot walk, act the test of day activity, ataxia, friedreich_ataxia_rating_scale, low-contrast_letter_acuity, motor_control-coordination_examination, motor_control-movement_examination, neurology_physical_therapy, nine-hole_peg_test, pata_test, physical_therapy, rehabilitation, validity (Abstract) Thus, allocation At elderly it is enough basic syndromes of diseases and conditions Difficult and labour-consuming problem.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Breath Sounds Shift From Vesicular To Bronchial When

Breath sounds shift from vesicular to bronchial when there is is fluid in the lung itself (pneumonia). Extra sounds that originate in the lungs and airways are referred to as "adventitious" and are always abnormal (but not always significant). Interpretation Breath sounds are made by the rough air Stream. They in the size of air lines, which Transfer them to a wall of a breast (chest) (and your stethoscope). The general (Board), the an air line, the more loudly and above corrected Has transmitted a sound. Vesicular breath sounds are low transferred and usually hear On the majority of areas (fields) of a lung. Tracheal breath sounds hear On a trachea. Bronchovesicular and sounds bronchial hear between. Inspiration Usually longer than the expiration (I> E). [2] Breath sounds are reduced, when a normal lung It is moved it (is replaced) by air (emphysema or pneumothorax) or Liquid (pleural outpouring). Change of sounds of Breath from vesicular to bronchial when is available - a liquid in a lung directly (Pneumonia).

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The General Researches At OSAHS Not Seldom Appear

The general researches at OSAHS not Seldom appear normal. In other cases presence influences Fatness (defined as an index of weight of a body> 30 kg/m2), or, For example, signs the increased circle of a neck and a hypertension. A clinical picture. At an emphysema Lungs the clinical picture is defined by presence and expressiveness Respiratory insufficiency. Allocate an emphysema of lungs without the obvious Signs of the respiratory insufficiency which criterion to a bowl is Degree (p2) and (pCO2). At easy degree is absent, saturation of haemoglobin by oxygen above 90 %, pressure of oxygen (Sp2) are more than arterial blood 90 mm hg At reduction and increase Are marked , saturation of haemoglobin by oxygen (Sp2)-87-89 mm Hg and carbonic gas (2) to 45-48 mm hg At the heavy haemoglobin saturation is observed bright in rest, Oxygen less than 60 %-70 %, and pressure 2 in the arterial Blood (Sp2) less than 86 mm hg Thus the earliest and constant As symptoms of insufficiency of breath consider: a short wind, change Heterogeneities of breath and , obviously amplifying at the minimum To physical activity.