Saturday, April 12, 2008

In The Latter Case (migraine) Happens 2 Forms:

In the latter case (migraine) happens 2 forms: with aura (70 % of cases) and without aura. As criteria of a migraine now consider : pain localisation; * character Pains; * pains at physical activity and \or walking, presence One-two accompanying symptoms (a nausea, vomiting, sveto-zvukobojazn and Other); - duration of a pain from 4 till 72 o'clock; - not less than two episodes Pains by the resulted criteria; Usually allocate incidental, periodic, Constant headache. On the headache is divided on Stupid, pulsing, pressing, etc. On localisation - one and , Frontal, occipital, parietal heads in other zones. In total 13 Variants of headaches. One of variants of classification of a headache. 1.2.0. The Migraine - with or without neurologic and mental signs on support; 1.2.1. The Headache at pressure - incidental and \or chronic; 1.2.2. The Headache from group - incidental, chronic and CPH; 1.2.3. Other primary types of a headache; 1.2.4. Postravmatichesky headaches; 1.2.5. The Headache in connection with illness (a stroke, hemorrhages, , aneurysms, etc.

Auscultation There Are Two Types Of Normal Sounds

Auscultation There are two types of normal sounds of breath - Bronchial and the Sounds of breath listened on a course of a trachea And bronchial tubes, are called bronchial breath. Breath sounds Listened over mainly fabric of a lung are called breath. A unique place, where traheo-bronchial Tree (tracheobronchial tree) It is located close to a forward chest wall and it is not surrounded Lung - a trachea on a neck, on the right above a clavicle and Space at level 4 vertebras and above. These are sites of a thorax, Where at patients it is possible to hear typical bronchial breath. In All other places there is a fabric of a lung and it is possible to listen to breath from to mixed - vezikuljarno-bronchial. (Listen Auscultation) Various ways are possible Auscultations of the sounds made in various zones of a body on purpose Definitions of features of activity of body or the illness diagnosis. Auscultation to be spent by directly ear (- Direct auscultation) or a stethoscope (- mediated Auscultation).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

); Pharmacological Factors And The Reasons: ; Nicotine; ;

); Pharmacological factors and the reasons: ; nicotine; ; ; the progesterone, etc. can be included In this list and Insufficiency of a liver; gramme-negative a sepsis; restoration After metabolic ; a syndrome of hyperventilation and many other things - Pulmonary illnesses: an extensive pneumonia; a pulmonary artery; Hypostasis of lungs and mechanical . Estimation of signs of chronic respiratory insufficiency Exact clinical definition of a syndrome Respiratory insufficiency and diverse functions of breath very much Challenge. The syndrome of respiratory insufficiency includes as Revealing or measurement of several system infringements corrected. (; It is shown that first of all it is necessary to estimate and It is standard to measure a condition ways (sm obstructive Syndrome and illustrations) and their aerodynamic resistance on a breath and Exhalation. ( The second group of signs of the respiratory Insufficiency includes an estimation of adequacy of a blood-groove in a small circle Blood circulations and efficiency of interaction of gas structure of blood and Air.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

9.3 To Estimate A Condition Hypodermically-fatty (Average Size From

9.3 to Estimate a condition hypodermically-fatty (Average size from three measurements): in area the three-head of a muscle; a fold (under a shovel); a lateral hypodermic fold (About forward top bones). The relation of a circle of a waist to a circle of hips: Norm for men 0,9, for women 0,8. Adiposity type: the bottom (=, =);) top =, =) - is more dangerous As a risk factor of development and other diseases. Sm metabolic Syndrome, etc. Adiposity (adipositas) - superfluous adjournment of fat in an organism. Adiposity Alimentary (a. alimentaria), caused superfluous food intake on To comparison with level of power inputs. Adiposity (.hypothalamica), sin.-adiposity . Adiposity (a.diencephalica), sin.-gipotalamicheskoe, an island cerebral, adiposity type Caused by infringements of regulation of a power exchange at Defeat a medial kernel ; it is characterised Rather uniform distribution of fat on all body.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Diagnosis COPD Accuracy Of Diagnosis COPD Is Considered

Diagnosis COPD Accuracy of diagnosis COPD is considered after Exceptions of alternative diagnoses, type of a bronchial asthma, warm Insufficiency, lungs (cystic fibrosis), a tuberculosis and, etc. The anamnesis, the case record and lives, Researches, and functional respiratory tests are very important in Diagnosing COPD. Doctors of any level, in my opinion, should To consider diagnosis COPD for each patient, especially aged After 40 years. Including at the patients having one or Quantity of following signs: a constant, a progressing short wind at To any physical activity (dyspnoea); chronic cough, which Can be unproductive and astable; chronic overproduction Saliva; changeable, mixed rattles and superfluous density a heap Cages (); returnable, a sharp bronchitis or Aggravations of a chronic bronchitis. In special group it is necessary to allocate patients with Chronic risk factors (environment of type of a tobacco smoke, Professional or external air or a smoke from Home cookery, etc. Diagnosis COPD should be confirmed through Estimation of function of a lung with the help tests, as it It is shown in table 1.