Friday, May 4, 2007

To Estimate A Condition Of A Skin, Visible

To estimate a condition of a skin, visible mucous, a scalp, nails. Hyperpigmentation of open sites of a body can be connected with: -- Secretion increase Hormone () (illness of Addisona = - bronze illness), a syndrome Kushinga, production , etc.); -- Some conditions and diseases (, , a cirrhosis, , chronic Nephritic insufficiency, pregnancy, syndrome ); -- Reception of some medicines ( contraceptives, ( a preparation), preparations Gold, , arsenic, , and , , etc.). 2.9.2 Examples of infectious skin displays with Instructions on a possible aetiology. Symptoms on a skin-1) red-brown The stains appearing on the person and extending on a trunk and Finitenesses - measles; 2) Vezikulezno-papuleznye of formation on the person, the top part of a trunk + a fever a 38OS-chicken pox; 3) spotty-pink and red-blue eritema - a meningitis; 4) Dark red stains in diameter of 2-4 mm on a forward surface of a stomach and a breast - a typhus; 5) Knotty - a mycoplasmosis, a tuberculosis, , , ; 6) Polymorphic (including Stevens-Johnson's syndrome) - a mycoplasmosis, ; 7) Papuleznye, ulcer, warty defeats of a skin, hypodermic abscesses - , , ; 8) the Herpes on lips, to a nose - a pneumonia (10 %) 2.

Patients As Should Be Are Informed That In

Patients as should be Are informed that in initial stages of the program of exercises Sensitivity of muscles can be more appreciable and is painful, and training Can last within 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to remember that patients with Chronic insufficiency of blood circulation, join in Program PR, can hope only for modest improvement of indicators Survival rate and to lower risk of repeated hospitalisation a little. (heartwire) Exercises on breath restoration First of all it is necessary for patients "to put Breath "c strict a breath through a nose with a parity a breath/exhalation = Ґ. Thus the breath "through lips a tubule" always should be in 2 times ( And more!) is longer than a breath. This exercise should be spent with By the instructor at least for 10 , 4 times a day and to be used At breath statement at performance of actions of type of an ascension on Steps . Use of treatment in realisation of exercises Use shortly operating Antagonists of type albuterol'a for periodic (incidental) The help at an accruing short wind (because of a bronchospasm).

Thursday, May 3, 2007

In These Standards Is Accepted That Reasonable Point

In These standards is accepted that reasonable point of the end for maneuver Measurements of streams on a breath and an exhalation absence true is The stream terminations (that is, the barrier of an air line is present) - 15 seconds. Patients often ahead of schedule stop the forced exhalation because of Discomfort. The changed technics (various tests), at which patient Exhales with the maximum force within 3 seconds, are accompanied Long changes of time and force of an exhalation. Necessity of spirometric researches In 2000 the Education program National Health of Lungs in the USA (NLHEP) have offered the initiative on identification Approximately 13 million Americans from not diagnosed chronic Obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD), carrying out on 2 Groups of patients-(1) 45 years also are more senior, at those who actively smokes and Given up smoking one year prior to research and - - (2) at 25 summer persons Or is more senior, which have signs of diseases of lungs and bronchial tubes (For example, cough, rattles, noisy breath, a short wind, etc.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Earlier Was Considered That Persons Of Such Constitution

Earlier was considered that persons of such constitution To thicket are ill with a tuberculosis, including lungs. HABITUS ENTEROPTOTICUS - An asthenic constitution - a stomach expanded from top to bottom, Omission of bodies of a belly cavity, decrease in a tone of a stomach is frequent, Languid , etc. Look as 15, 25 The impression about the patient develops including of following components: Lines, expression, colour of a face skin a vascular network, spots, etc.; It is necessary to investigate a condition of bosoms of a nose also - Palpatornoe definition of possible points of morbidity (at Revealing of a unilateral pain are necessary a trance illumination; or nose bosoms (PHOTO 6e)). On the person it is necessary to examine attentively eyebrows, a condition of eyelids, (To describe colour, vascular drawing, etc.), the form and a condition of cartilages of a nose, Colour and vascular drawing mucous a nose, a mouth and a pharynx.

This Condition Is Sometimes Mentioned As A Narcosis

This condition is sometimes mentioned As a narcosis carbonic acid with development of loss of orientation, Spasms and consciousness loss. At inspection at a number of patients with Hypoventilation syndrome secondary signs can be noticed The increased intracranial pressure, connected with the long brain vessels. Type symptoms often come to light , superfluous vessels of the person, (sm Illustrations). Patients with weakness of respiratory muscles usually Have also the general weakness, secondary to their cores the muscular To infringements. At some patients, the diagnosis of the central Alveolar hypoventilation put only after proof development Respiratory insufficiency. Often, especially patients with fatness, a syndrome Hypoventilation connect with a syndrome sleepy (OSA) and complain on Day hyperdrowsiness. This combination in clinic is known as a syndrome . Thus patients with hypoventilation of alveoluses against fatness Can have a pulmonary hypertension (illustration sm) and signs of the pulmonary Hearts (cor pulmonale), with secondary peripheral face edemas ( Cyanotic ) and shins.