Saturday, July 26, 2008

After Specifications Of Complaints And Careful Estimation Of

After Specifications of complaints and careful estimation of the anamnesis, including risk factors, In the presence of basic symptoms conduct additional researches of an electrocardiogram And blood analyses. (electrocardiograms). Additional researches, for example level Warm and other tests are spent depending on history Illnesses of the patient: Stress tests; Echocardiography; Computerized cardiac angiography CT scan Coronary catheterization is more detailed than sm - Angina Heart Attack Chest pains at Heart is included in leaves. Precisely As well as at a pleurisy, pericardium leaves can undergo To inflammation and to cause a pain. This pain is more often felt as sharp because of The signs of an inflammation of leaves of a pericardium rubbing about an external surface Cardiac muscle. The most frequent reason is connected or With virus disease or it is unknown (). Inflammatory The illness nature ( an arthritis rheumatoid arthritis, system red ), nephritic insufficiency kidney failure And cancer process - conditions which can cause .

Thursday, July 24, 2008

4.0.0 Research Of Cardiovascular System Of The Adult

4.0.0 Research of cardiovascular system of the adult patient. 4.0.1 Pulse and concept about "deficiency of pulse". 4.0.2 Approximate estimation possible on pulse. 4.0.3 Questionnaires of an estimation of quality of a life at . 4.0.4 Estimation of a symptom of a pain in a thorax. 4.1 Perkussija of heart. 4.1.0 Contours of a cardiovascular shade and other methods. 4.1.1 Reasons . 4.1.2 Rules of inspection of the patient with . 4.2 Auskultatsija of heart. 4.2.1 Noise of heart and their characteristic. 4.3 Research of vessels. 4.4 Syndrome of a short wind. 4.5 Tsianoz and its kinds. 4.6 Hypostases and . 4.6.0 Problems at revealing of hypostases. 4.6.1 Reasons and ways of its revealing. 4.7 Technicians of measurement of arterial pressure on a humeral artery. 4.7.0 Syndrome of an arterial hypertension. 4.7.1 Critical conditions arising in connection with high arterial pressure. 4.7.2 Plan of the minimum inspection of the patient at for the first time found out . 4.8 Signs of chronic insufficiency of blood circulation ().

Any Disease Of Lungs, Bronchial Tubes And A

Any disease of lungs, bronchial tubes and a pleura can To cause reduction of this difference. The most frequent reason of reduction Scope of excursions of a thorax - an emphysema of lungs (=COPD). Such Patients have very much a thorax and its limited Ability to expansions during the breath certificate. Research of symmetry of a thorax. The patient put a back to the vertical stand ( It is possible with a sheet of paper). Put two long pencils (felt-tip pen) Symmetrically in the beginning at level 7-8 edges ask the patient As much as possible to inhale and exhale. Pencils at the stand should note Scope of movements of a thorax at level 7-8 edges. Then repeat This reception having put pencils in both axillary hollows. Observe at It symmetry of movement of a thorax at quiet and it is any The strengthened breath. Simultaneously it is possible size Intercostal intervals in the top and bottom part of a thorax and Possible muscles. Further place your hands over the chest Cages in area of tops of a lung also repeat record process Symmetry of movements on a breath and an exhalation.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Textbook Is Of Interest For Students And

The textbook is of interest for students and doctors, which Aspire to raise the individual diagnostic skill. In the concentrated Kind basic criteria of the major therapeutic syndromes are stated. In To the book a lot of a useful digital and comparative material, from the new Positions some features positive are considered and Negative dynamics in a current of some diseases. Such representation Clinical data it is especially useful for doctors of the general Experts>>. The academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, professor Nikitin Jury Petrovich (PHOTO 4) THE APPROXIMATE MAINTENANCE The list of all sections of the edition 1. The general section 2. A breadboard model of the scheme of research of patients 3. Diagnostics of syndromes and illnesses of bronho-pulmonary system 4. Diagnostics of syndromes and illnesses of cardiovascular system 5. Diagnostics of syndromes and illnesses of a gastroenteric path 6. Separate syndromes at illnesses of kidneys and ways Corresponds http://www.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Maximum At Appointment Formoterol'a It Is Reached

A maximum at appointment formoterol'a it is reached through 60-120 Minutes after application also proceeds more than 12 hours. Application Preparation has shown that treatment with formoterol' considerably reduces Barrier to air stream in bronchial tubes, reduces frequency of use SABA And distinctly improves quality of a life (QoL) patients with COPD in comparison With which patients treated ipratropium' or tablets theophyllin'. Action salmeterol'a more slowly at first Effect, than at formoterol'a (the effect beginning cherez10-15 minutes, against <5 minutes at formoterol'a), and peak are reached in Limits of 2 hours after application. Treatment beta-2-adrenergicheskimi antagonists and long action (LABAs) It is well transferred by patients. Adverse reactions more often Are connected with doses and occur at a drug intake through a mouth, than at Application of preparations of inhalation action. Adverse reactions On preparations can include a tachycardia, feeling of trembling in breasts, forms , trembling, dream infringements (more often at Use LABA), and reactions of a skin of type Hypersensitivity (for example , hypostases, and a bronchospasm!).

Monday, July 21, 2008

Patients Use The Various The Lexicon At The

Patients use the various The lexicon at the description of a pain and to the doctor often happens not simply To specify localisation and character of a pain. Questions concerning connected with Pain of signs - sm under references shortness of breath Fever Cough Nausea vomiting Questions concerning risk factors of the patient Risk factors for cardiovascular illnesses (smoking Smoking, a blood high pressure - High blood pressure, cholesterol level - High cholesterol, a diabetes - Diabetes, a family tree-Family history, etc.) Especially it is necessary to allocate risk factors a pulmonary artery! Long confinement to bed and . Recent surgical operation. Crises of bones (Fractures). Contraceptive preparations (Birth control pill) Cancer diseases (Cancer) Risk factors for occurrence aorta aneurysms High arterial pressure of blood Syndrome of Marfana (Marfan syndrome) Syndrome of Ejlersa-Danlosa (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) kidneys (Polycystic kidney disease) Cocaine consumption (Cocaine use) Pregnancy (Pregnancy) Fizikalnoe research of patients Supplements the basic signs and allows to spend more precisely The differential diagnosis.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

And If Drops Out More Than 200 Hair

And if Drops out more than 200 hair a day, means it is necessary to address to the doctor Or it is necessary to give of itself in charge dermatologa-trihologa. It is necessary to remember And a family tree and to look to (learn) density of hair and their speed Losses at the father and mother. Some words about a smell of the person - It is known that at the person in a skin approximately 2 million glands. The average adult person with each milliliter of sweat loses nearby 540 Calories. Men sweat approximately on 40 % more than women. The basic function - drainage. 2 One million glands a day allocate from 300 to 800 ml of a secret, and in To heat and to one and a half litres! Thus, the organism regulates the Temperature and, partially, gets rid of toxins. However, babies never smell then as for them work only glands located on all surface of a body, and Toxins at them still are not present in a considerable quantity. Concentration glands At the person above in the field of a forehead, palms and feet, and in the sexual Maturing start to work and glands located in body parts, especially armpits and in areas.