Friday, September 14, 2007

The Proof Limited Rattles Assume Presence Barriers In

The proof limited rattles assume presence Barriers in bronchial tubes of any aetiology of type of a tumour, a foreign matter or Mucous formation. Thus partial mucous blockade usually Disappear after any cough. (LISTEN - to the reference Internet on Sound files in illustrations) Rattles on a breath assume presence is more often The big barrier to an air stream. So loud, heard on distance Rattles on a breath name . (Listen to sounds under the reference stridor). Sick of a bronchial asthma often as have Sonorous rattles on a breath unlike patients with an obstructive syndrome (=COPD). High-pitch tone rattles are called as whistling or sonorous (listen under the reference sibilant). Low tone rattles are called as largely bubbly and sonorous (listen under the reference sonorous). a symptom (.Seitz), sin.-Zejttsa Changeable noise-auskultativnyj a phenomenon: change Damp rattle in the breath beginning bronchial or breath in The breath end; it is observed at presence in a lung of the cavity containing Air and liquid.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

- Red, Weak Or Flexible And Wrinkled Ears

- Red, weak or flexible and wrinkled ears Speak about possible . This disease is characterised The sudden beginning unilateral or bilateral pains of auricles, Their hypostases and zone redness. -- At superficial infections of a skin, type , the skin of ears can be as is involved, but hypodermic The infections of a skin similar to a cellulitis, on ears do not meet (a sign ). - The anatomic defects of an ear caused by a trauma (Ears of fighters) are often presented as the thick, elastic painless Ugliness. - The diagonal fold of an auricle often offers the increased coronary risk. -- Presence of long hair in an ear bowl offers normal function at men (a sign of Hamiltona). -- Sometimes on auricles come to light Gouty , especially at persons who lived in a frigid climate (The low temperature of air reduces solubility of uric acid). -- Unique painless small knot on a lobe Ear can specify in defect the valve, as congenital Pathologies (=Darwinian tubercle). - The movements of an auricle coinciding with Pulse, offer defect of the three-folding valve of heart (not Constant sign Paul Dudley').

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Then Examine Visible Nasal Structures And Pay Attention

Then examine visible nasal structures and pay attention to any changes mucous, cartilages and nose bones. Prominent aspect of an estimation of functions of a nose-paranazalnye Bosoms (sine) - the cavities filled with air and areas in bones Skulls which serve as resonators for pronouncing of sounds and Manufactures of protective slime with which the nasal cavity is greased. The frontal bosom is extremely individual on To the sizes also is in the bottom part a frontal bone. Verhnecheljustnye bosoms are for lateral to walls of a nasal hollow in Body of the top jaw. Trellised bosoms - between eyes and a nose, and a bosom in a body of the basic bone of a skull. Further check passableness of each nasal Course. Standing directly ahead of the patient also close one nostril The patient with a forefinger of the right hand. Ask the patient to breathe In usual rate through the right nostril. Repeatedly, closing the right nostril Forefinger of the left hand ask the patient to breathe through the left Nostril.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

At Anamnesis Gathering, Concerning Unpleasant Or Conflict Situations,

At anamnesis gathering, concerning unpleasant or Conflict situations, follows: 1) more to listen; 2) to remain The quiet; 3) to calm the patient; 4) to be sincere; 5) to give To time sick enough; 6) to help council. Does not follow: 1) to be irritated; 2) To evade from situation discussion; 3) to be familiar; 4) too Many to speak; 5) to condemn participants of the conflict; 6) to be the patron. It is very important to make representation about Family tree of the patient to reveal and document possible congenital and Genetic defects and deviations. The best means at this kind Family tree drawing up is considered researches. After gathering of the anamnesis the doctor is obliged to allocate dangerous (for a condition of the patient and associates), significant (=) and little significant (= specific) for a concrete case symptoms and syndromes. Important after inquiry to construct the project of a ladder of value of symptoms and Syndromes (as the decreasing importance) for each concrete Case.