Friday, March 27, 2009

These Patients Also Can Have Signs Secondary ,

These Patients also can have signs secondary , when The maintenance of uniform elements of blood (index CBC) increases and Lifts level . Research of function of a thyroid gland often is potential The fatness reason. Fatness, in turn, can bring the contribution in Hypoventilation strengthening. Thyroid gland function by accessible methods Should be estimated at all patients with signs of the alveolar Hypoventilation, including at what are suspected available Hypoventilation of the central origin. The thorax roentgenogram The thorax roentgenogram is necessary in the plan Researches of patients with a hypoventilation syndrome to exclude Illnesses of lungs as the hypoventilation reason. On roentgenograms which help to define Aetiology of a syndrome of hypoventilation of lungs, emphysema symptoms are often visible Lungs, including a smoothness of contours of a diaphragm and, etc. The odnostoronee eminence of a diaphragm can be connected with weakness Diaphragms, a paralysis of nerves or lungs.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

At Auscultation The New Can Be Found Out

At auscultation the new can be found out Warm noise or noise on a course of a large vascular trunk. The diagnosis Aorta aneurysms should be confirmed by an objective method, for example CT a tomography or aortas. If stratifying an aorta aneurysm passes Completely through all three layers walls, it leads to rupture Aortas. It is accident almost always leads to death of patients, Die before hospitalisation. Full death rate from aorta ruptures in the USA More than 80 %. and a reflux The gullet is a muscular tube which spends Food portions from a mouth in a stomach. Bottom from three a gullet Is a specialised part of muscular system, which Functions as similarity of the valve for deduction of a contained stomach from Return to a gullet cavity. If work of this valve is broken (), stomach contents, including sour digestive juice, Can come back, support and irritate mucous a gullet. A gastroezofagalnyj reflux (gastroesophageal reflux disease) It can be shown by sensations of burning in a breast and a pain in the top part Stomach () which rises to a throat and can cause Sensations of sour taste in a drink and in a mouth.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Largest A Bosom (sinus Maxillaris) Settles Down

The largest a bosom (sinus maxillaris) settles down in a body of the top jaw and opens in Average nasal course. The steam room has the form truncated three- is more often or Tetrahedral pyramid; size left and right bosoms At one person can be various. In to a bosom Distinguish four additional deepenings, or bays (malar, Frontal, palatal and alveolar), which depending on degree bosoms can change its form and topographical Parity with surrounding fabrics. The frontal bosom (sinua frontalis) is in Frontal bone, has the form of a trihedral pyramid with the basis turned From top to bottom. It is divided by a partition not always occupying the median Position, on two parts; there are also additional partitions. Walls Frontal bosom sometimes have bone ledges and crossbeams, degree bosoms it is various. The bosom is informed with an average nasal Course. The frontal bosom can sometimes be absent. Klinovidnaja bosom (sinus sphenoidalis), located in a body bones, it is divided Partition on right and left (more often not identical) parts (in the separate Cases there are some partitions).

Monday, March 23, 2009

Diseases. Inflammatory Diseases Of Bosoms Of A Nose:

Diseases. Inflammatory diseases of bosoms of a nose: - Sinusitis (sinusitis) can be sharp and chronic. (The Antritis, Sfenoidit, Frontit, Etmoidit) see. Allergic Diseases of bosoms arise, as a rule, against an allergic rhinitis (Allergic , ). In a clinical picture Rhinitis symptoms prevail. (The Rhinitis, allergic) see. Pneumosine - a bosom stretching (more often Frontal) air, arising when any Formation (for example a polyp or a mucous membrane) In a mouth plays a role of the valve passing air only in Bosom. In some cases the pneumosine can be caused atypically Proceeding at children's age a frontal bosom. Clinically The pneumosine can be shown by local morbidity in area Defeats, - bosom increase. Ways of revealing of syndromes of diseases of bronho-pulmonary system Complaints and questionnaires of an estimation of quality of a life At revealing of any syndromes of diseases of bronho-pulmonary system To become an important point of an estimation of a condition of the patient research Qualities of his life.

The Main Changes Established On A Symposium In

The main changes established on a symposium in Rome include: 1) revision of requirements of structure of time for performance of diagnostic procedures and criteria. 2) changes of criteria in classifications ( For example, rumination - now one of functional gastro-duodenalnyh infringements, a syndrome of a functional belly pain [FAPS] - now a separate category, instead of functional infringement ), 3) addition of pediatric categories. 4) presence of functional diarrhoeia - , as unique and separate infringement. 5) use of subgroups of a syndrome of the angry Thick gut () on the basis of criterion of sequence for Identifications of features of syndrome (for example, prevalence of a diarrhoeia Or a lock). 6) restrictions of criteria for diagnostics of dysfunctions of a bilious bubble and Oddi. Development of Criteria and change of a paradigm for functional infringements . If in the Roman criteria 11 syndrome was It is formulated as "a pain or the discomfort concentrated in the top Stomach "(Nicholas J.