Saturday, May 2, 2009


The TOTAL SUMMARY TABLE of treatment COPD on disease stages: Components of recommended strategy of treatment for patients with COPD STAGES COPD Recommendations STAGE 1V Continuation of pharmacotherapy and strengthening not Pharmacological interventions which will improve quality of a life of the patient : Long-term treatment by oxygen . Consideration of criteria and Possibilities of surgical treatment. Avoiding of risk factors. STAGE 111 Strengthening of pharmacotherapy and continuation not Pharmacological interventions. In addition - inhalation before physical activities. Avoiding of risk factors. STAGE 11 Escalating of intensity of pharmacotherapy and continuation Not pharmacological methods of treatment. Regular treatment is long Operating (more, than one) beta-2-adrenergicheskimi antagonists. Additional receptions of rehabilitation and avoiding of risk factors. STAGE 1 Application shortly operating (necessarily!) and not pharmacological methods. Avoiding of factors of peep and refusal from Tobacco smoking.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Approximate Structure At The Healthy: Alveolar - 80

Approximate Structure at the healthy: Alveolar - 80 %; - 10 %; - 10 % Character and its possible the reason Mucous, transparent, - a virus infection. Flavovirent, Viscous, purulent - a bacterial infection. Rusty - warm Insufficiency. With blood proveins - a share pneumonia (); , viscous - a bronchial asthma; Watery, plentiful - an alveolar cancer of lungs; Plentiful, Fetid - a lung abscess, ; Foamy, pink - a hypostasis Lungs, etc. Schematic anatomy of bronho-pulmonary system The right lung - 3 shares, the left lung - 2 shares, but Both on the right, and at the left on 4 bronchial tubes of II order (zone bronchial tubes). The basic Structure functional unit systems - a segment with Segmentary bronchial tube. In each share allocate: a trunk (a vascular bronchial texture), a kernel - bronho-limfo-vascular formation) and "raincoat". The alveolar fabric, is located in two circles in the thickness about 2 see And though Bronchial tubes are strictly isolated, air can pass from one segment in Another through a time the Crone.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Detection Deviations Of Vital Parametres, Infringements Of A

Detection Deviations of vital parametres, infringements of a rhythm of heart or change Segment ST on an electrocardiogram specify in requirement for a direction to the cardiologist For the further medical estimation of the patient and carrying out of all calculations Prior to the beginning of realisation of program PR. Patients can have the absolute Or relative contra-indications to optimum . To Absolute direction restrictions on PR consider: recent Myocardium heart attack; astable dangerous forms ; uncontrollable and Malignant hypertension; the expressed neurologic infringements Movement functions. Components of the program of exercises To reach and support the maximum effect PR for patients with a bronho-pulmonary pathology, the program should To consist of 3 components: creation of aerodynamic conditions, training To the improvement scheme (tolerances) and exercises on training Flexibility. For example, walking, jogging, rowing, driving on a bicycle and Swimming are considered as examples of actions on improvement of the aerodynamic Conditions.