Thursday, March 13, 2008

But Even Against Their External Well-being Pursues Persuasive

But even against their external well-being Pursues persuasive fear of death - sudden. From here, for example, The fear to drive the car or to have sex. And men transfer it The condition is heavier. As writes authoritative medical magazine "Lancet", About 40 % of the men who have transferred a heart attack of a myocardium, in the first year after Illnesses require supervision of the clinical psychologist. Problems with a skin do people vindictive, and with a liver - sensitive. Suffering chronic skin illnesses of type or in an aggravation quite often run into depressions With a shyness shade. Painfully perceive attention to the Appearance. Become very suspicious to people and critics do not take out In the address. At a stomach ulcer or other problems with Digestion many become very hypochondriac, captious. They not Of death as cores, but are afraid of a pain are afraid. The sick liver really does the person bilious. Many hepatic sick not only become sensitive, but also Aspire to offend another, to prick.

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Variety Of Complaints Is Very Great And

A variety of complaints is very great and to consider them in more details I consider necessary in connection with concrete syndromes and diseases. The most frequent complaints at diseases are, on visible, decrease or appetite loss, an eructation, , belly-aches and infringement variants . Hu and al. (J Gastroenterology Hepatology. 2002; 17: 545-551) have offered a simple biographical questionnaire at screening for Revealings of patients with diseases of a gastroenteric path. This The questionnaire can is used for initial, a tentative estimation Conditions of the patient and, further, to supervise a clinical course. I consider that the questionnaire can be used and at patients, which It is counter-indicative . The signs included in questionnaire: (1) belly-ache; (2) in the top belly it is superficial; (3) in top belly the deep Pain; (4) belly-ache before food intake (on ); (5) pain in Stomach at night; (6) vomiting; (7) nausea; (8) eructation air; (9) sour eructation; (10) heartburn; (11) burning sensation in a stomach; (12) Appetite loss.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The General Sign Of All Kinds Of A

The general Sign of all kinds of a syndrome is loss Consciousnesses. Allocate and . The syndrome is defined still as passing loss of consciousness, The stream of blood connected with reduction in brain pool. The term It is defined as a presentiment of approaching loss of consciousness and It is characterised by a headache i-or infringement (distortion) of sight, Dizziness, weakness, the speech incoherence, the slowed down answers On questions, a nausea, vomiting or partial loss of consciousness. In conditions often include also the such Signs as spasms, brain concussions, intoxications, etc. Despite Frequency of this syndrome, in the medical literature, syncope usually It is insufficiently differentiated on to a principle. Definitely, That is frequent syncope grows out of the self-finishing Discrepancies of the general brain sosudisto-metabolic process, in That time as various forms have also others The reasons. Unfortunately, the diagnostic estimation syncope remains Insufficiently effective and badly operated in treatment.