Saturday, August 30, 2008

Now There Are Some Accessible Devices Which Are

Now there are some accessible Devices which are developed and intended for preservation or Optimisation of quality of mastering of oxygen from a stream . These Devices are simple, inexpensive and improve efficiency of delivery of oxygen In 4 times. Training of the top humeral belt Many patients COPD at a short wind Use for the help to breath the top finitenesses. Not , The hands (hand) lifted above a shoulder, movement by hands demands the competitive Uses of additional muscles of breath. Lifting of hands also increases Use of oxygen and manufacture CO2. Consecutive performance of exercises for a hand Conducts to reduction of requirements to ventilation of lungs, therefore allows Gradually to improve tolerance to physical activities, ADLS Also reduces intensity and frequency of a short wind. Training to exercises with Use of hands can include cyclic work with the manual approximately to 50 turns in a minute. Initial rate - Without resistance within 4-6 minutes throughout the first week.

Diastolichesky Noise Are Indicative For Insufficiency Valves Of

Diastolichesky noise are indicative for insufficiency Valves of a pulmonary artery also testify to a phenomenon . At patients with late stages of disease Obvious signs of insufficiency of the right departments of heart (cor develop pulmonale) and it often lifts venous pressure with visible V wave At . Practically always at patients hypostases of the bottom are expressed Finitenesses and proof . Thus long, proof The pulsation and always testifies to the expressed blood in right hearts. Sometimes ( But not always) signs come to light. The reasons The hypoventilation syndrome can be secondary on To basis of several mechanisms , including depression of the respiratory The centre, infringements, defects of a wall of a thorax, Fatness, and COPD. * Chronic obstructive illness of lungs; an emphysema; a chronic bronchitis. * infringements ( Lateral sclerosis; muscular dystrophies; a diaphragm paralysis; a syndrome Guillain-Barr; pregnant women); * Defects of a chest wall - ; ; ; * Neurologic frustration - , traumas.

Visitings Of Doctors For Such Patients Should To

Visitings of doctors for such patients should To be more frequent (it is proportional to degree of the Russian Academy of Sciences!). The majority Experts consider necessary to spend an estimation of a functional class and Tolerances to physical activity through tests, type of 6-minute walking Or the test at each visiting of the patient. 10. Any infringements which increase Loading on the left departments of heart, including arterial pressure, , dysfunctions and illnesses the device, Can end with pressure lifting in a pulmonary artery. In the rare Cases specific therapy PAH - can be considered as the basic The reason of infringements. When, for example, PCW it is normal or is minimum lifted, And a gradient of pressure and PVR are lifted. Last phenomenon is known as "disproportionate" PH or than Expected effect on the basis of high in warm pressure at the left. Potential adverse effects from specific therapy PAH at Such patients are included by signs of a worsening delay of a liquid, Episodes of a hypostasis of lungs with interface infringement and ventilation Lungs.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pressure Of Carbonic Acid In Blood (PaCO2) In

Pressure of carbonic acid in blood (PaCO2) in Normal conditions it is strongly supported in a range 39-41 mm Hg. On Ventilation of lungs influence and PaCO2, PaO2 and Indicators pH located in a trunk of a brain, which in commonwealth with Nervous impulses from receptors of a stretching of a lung and impulses from Fabrics of a bark of a brain operate breath biomechanics. Refusal of any of these Mechanisms leads to hypoventilation development, and . alveoluses a venous stream of blood from Pulmonary capillary network allows a pulmonary fabric to participate in Gas exchange of an organism. The gas exchange includes delivery of oxygen to To capillary bed and elimination 2 from a blood stream in a small circle Blood circulations. Effective and long removal 2 from blood depends From adequate ventilation of lungs. Relations between ventilation and PaCO2 Can be presented as follows: PaCO2 = (k) (VCO2)/VA. In Which VCO2 is a metabolic stream (manufacture) 2 (that Is, maintenance 2 in a blue blood), k - a constant and VA - speed Alveolar ventilation.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

). Thus, For Exact Calculation Of Specificity Sign, Its

). Thus, for exact calculation of specificity Sign, its diagnostic importance all available symptoms and Syndromes can be divided conditionally on: 1. Is true-positive () 3. Is false positive () 2. Is true-negative () 4. Is false negative () In a general view the diagnostic importance of any symptom looks as The following formula: (io-lp): (ip-lo) = { (:ÉÕ ()} x {P (\): (\)} In practice use more often and estimate Variety of separate tests, symptoms, signs. Diagnostic Their specificity essentially differs. For example, efficiency Laboratory tests considerably varies at the expense of change of borders Sensitivity and specificity of the chosen signs. For revealing of basic signs and symptoms of concrete disease it is necessary to define diagnostic sensitivity (), diagnostic specificity () and diagnostic efficiency () a concrete sign, a syndrome and . = : + 100 %, where - is true-positive results, - is false-negative results of Dch the percent, the better an indicator for revealing of the given disease is expressed in percentage and the above.