Friday, January 12, 2007

Reduction Of Ventilation And Moving Processes On To

Reduction of ventilation and moving processes on to a tree of an air line as believe, are Critical factors, the leader to occurrence of an obstructive syndrome The top part of an air line. Death rate / disease Influence of an obstructive syndrome at patients on Death rate has been repeatedly investigated with use of supervision on To various cohorts. It is shown that serious type OSAHS (with apnoe-gipopnoe By index> 30) at not addressing patients has been obviously connected with The increased risk of cardiovascular death rate, including with Possibility of occurrence of fatal forms of a heart attack of a myocardium or stroke. Thus patients with moderate and easy forms OSAHS had no Appreciable increase in death rate in comparison with a group of persons without Signs OSAHS. It is important to notice that patients who used in Time of a dream auxiliaries (CPAP cars), is more than 6 Hours for a night, had survival percent (96.4 %) in a current 5 Years, in comparison with those who used CPAP cars only from 1 to 6 Hours for a night (91.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Comparing Markers, Mutations, DNA Of The Various Tribes,

Comparing markers, mutations, DNA of the various Tribes, scientists have started to restore history of our ancestors, having made Travel to time. The theory of "the African Eve" has proved to be true, Formulated 80th years group of scientists of University of Berkeley (California). It is shown that all individuals living nowadays are connected Relationship with the unique woman who was found in Africa of 150 thousand of years Back, do not name " Eve"."It was not unique The woman living in! That epoch but if genetics are right, all The mankind occurs R it through a chain of mothers. Very much Has soon been revealed and "Adam with chromosome Y", also the African, - our general The father. The British scientists investigated a genetic variety The population on Globe also have spent measurements more Than 6 thousand human skulls from various collections. Results Researches have shown that in process of removal from Africa falls A genetic variety of populations and simultaneously with it - a variety Physical characteristics.

Action Is Short Operating Inhalation , Type Ipratropium,

Action is short Operating inhalation , type ipratropium, usually Comes to an end approximately in 1-2 hours and this effect can To be supported by repeated inhalations approximately 4 hours. Appointment tiotropium'a, inhalation long action, it is accompanied by the long (till 24 o'clock or more) with an action maximum in Limits from 3 till 4 o'clock. Treatment tiotropium' has shown that this The preparation considerably improves functions of lungs, reduces a short wind and the general The symptoms connected with health (HRQL). Long effect of a preparation Allows to use it only time a day and this therapeutic The choice can be more convenient for patients in comparison with others Treatment modes. However inhalation , at all Their positive recommendation, have some restrictions for Uses, for example at patients with hypertrophy signs , Glaucomas and at a syndrome of Segrena. Frequency of complications and adverse Events at treatment long action makes Usually 10-14 %. Beta2-adrenergicheskih receptors antagonists.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Reproducibility Of Indicators FVC And FEV1 Guarantee That

Reproducibility of indicators FVC and FEV1 guarantee that results Truly enough represent functions of the easy patient. Thus The attention of the doctor should be concentrated to 3 key parametres: FVC, FEV1 and relation FEV1 to FVC. In the United States specifications of the measured Indicators and limits of normal values are defined on Hankinson et all [NHANES], including a set III. These specifications provide The certain equations for white, the Afro-Americans and Mexicans (sm Appendices). If the patient belongs to other ethnic group, Settlement specifications and the bottom limits of normal values, Provided for white on Hankinson et al should be reduced on 12 % through multiplication of due size on 0.88 before comparison with Results of research of the patient. Features of revealing of infringements on Obstructive defects Not proportional reduction of volumes FEV1 on To comparison with FVC (and consequently parity FEV1 to FVC is used) - The important sign of an obstructive syndrome and illnesses of a lung.