Monday, December 15, 2008

( In The General Practice Allocate 3 Degrees

( In the general practice allocate 3 degrees respiratory Insufficiency; and, if it is very short 1 degree - a short wind at usual To physical activity; 2nd degree - a short wind at insignificant physical To loading; 3rd degree - a short wind in rest. At interrogation of the patient specify about what The nature of a short wind which can be "functional" and "organic" The nature. In "a functional" short wind, usually, results Stress, fright, psychoemotional excitation, physical Overstrain and other kinds of loadings. "The organic" nature of a short wind, as a rule, It is connected with a large quantity of diseases which lead To infringement of interface of function of breath and blood circulation through lungs: diseases of respiratory organs (the chronic Bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema of lungs, sharp extensive pneumonia Etc.); Diseases of cardiovascular system (, Rheumatism with development of heart diseases, etc.);) blood diseases (Including a pulmonary artery and its branches, an anaemia various Aetiologies).

It Is Necessary To Remember That A Curve

It is necessary to remember that a curve of an average portion Stream or the forced stream of an exhalation, at 50 % volume of the exhaled Air of the patient (=FEV25-75 %), can fall below the lowermost Limit of normal values even when indicators FVC, FEV1 and FEV1/FVC % Have normal amounts. Lower values for indicator specifications FEV25-75 % can be and less than 50 % from average settlement (= ' due ') Sizes. It is the important feature of measurement can be used for Revealings of the bottom limits of individual normal values with Confidential interval of 95 % from average due size. However Sizes FEV25-75 very strongly depend on the general time of an exhalation. If Time of the forced exhalation the patient any way changes more than On 10 % after application it it is difficult To interpret. The truth and earlier end of a breath with application often moves a curve of the middle of the forced The exhaled volume to the exhalation beginning. Additional special researches with the help Estimation of vital capacity of lungs in position of the patient lying on a back: The estimation of force of a diaphragm can be executed through Measurement of vital capacity in vertical or a sitting position The patient and comparison of these indicators with the measurements made in Position of the patient lying on a back.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Estimation Of A Condition Of A Thorax First

Estimation of a condition of a thorax First of all the volume of excursions is estimated and Frequency of respiratory movements of a thorax. Pay attention (and Often also measure) a parity of duration of a breath and an exhalation. [01 [02] Listen to obvious to respiratory sounds, allocating from them pathological. Always observe possible use of additional muscular efforts at breath. Thus it is necessary to estimate symmetry Thorax of the patient, presence of curvatures and change a rebottom The back size. [03] Whether check up as there is a trachea strictly on the centre of an average line of a neck. [04] Estimation of probable expansion the chest Cages it is spent by means of deep breaths and exhalations, and a deviation It is identified by means of a centimetric tape. By means of a centimetric tape it is necessary To measure two circles of a thorax at level of nipples of chest glands ( At men) - one on the maximum breath and, another, on maximum Exhalation. The difference of lengths of circles at healthy faces makes 5 - 13 sm ( 2-5 ").